Change of Heart

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Dear Diary,

Today was kind of a crazy day. Actually it kind of just sucked. It started out alright; I got up, got ready for school, and drove over to GSMH. I followed rounds on the peds wing because I wanted to see how Frankie, Ivy, Link, and Brayden were doing. I’ve gotten to know Ivy pretty well and Frankie too. I usually try to make an effort to talk to patients around my age so I’ve known Ivy since she first came in. She’s around my age and she’s really nice so I usually chill and chat with her and Frankie for a while. They were both put on the transplant list and were obviously not up to hanging out but I popped in before I left for school to say hi anyway.

School was kind of boring which I’m now almost thankful for. We mostly just prepared for the AP Exams that are coming up. I got to spend time with Connor in study hall since neither of us had a club meeting for a change. After school I headed back to the hospital to check in on how the search for hearts for Ivy and Frankie was going.

When I got back, Frankie was in surgery. I found out that Cristina finally came back after having lost the Harper Avery last night. For the record that was a load of real BS. Anyone with half a neuron could tell that she deserved the award. Anyway…. Cristina was doing a transplant on Frankie. I watched from the gallery for a while and studied for my tests at the same time. I looked up from my AP Calc book and realized that the heart wasn’t beating. I turned on the intercom to hear what Yang and Robbins were saying before Arizona and Alex left to retrieve another heart for the young girl.

I left the gallery and went to see what was happening in the other ORs. I found April and Hunt operating on a man who I later found out had been hit by a truck just before reaching the ocean. He had been trying to walk from coast to coast and had almost made it, just to be taken out by a truck. As I watched and listened to them operate, I saw April start to cry. It was really sad to see her so upset about her fight with Jackson but Owen being Owen knew just the right thing to say and told her that this fight was not her pick-up truck.

After that surgery, I made my way down to the Cafeteria to grab a bite to eat, where I ran into Derek. He had mentioned that Amelia was in town and that she just got engaged. I’m going to have to remember to call her tomorrow to catch up. My mom and I have a beach house down in LA and we used to go a lot more often. When we were down there Addison let me shadow her at her practice where I got to know Amelia. Long story short I’m super excited for her.

A few hours later I went back to the ORs to see how Frankie’s Surgery was going, but when I got to the gallery the OR was empty. I ran down to check the board and saw that they had Ivy in surgery. I figured Frankie was in recovery so I watched Ivy’s transplant instead. It was only later that night that I found out that Frankie hadn’t survived the surgery. I was crushed to hear the news and headed home shortly after. I climbed into bed early but I couldn’t sleep so I figured I should write since I hadn’t in a while. Anyway I’m going to see if I can get to sleep.

                                                                                                                          -          Mattie

Author's Note: Sorry for not having written in so long! I was actually really busy with AP exam preparation. I just finished my exams today so I should have some more time to write and get caught up. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Thanks for reading!

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