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Author's Note:

10 thousands reads on this story!!! Thank you guys so much! As a thank you I thought I would add another chapter but since there aren't any new episodes I'm going to go back to earlier in the season and just give a recap of Mattie's story in the episodes. Hope you enjoy!

Dear Diary,

Today two girls came into the ER after being hit by a train. As it turns out they were escaping the ridicule they faced both at school and home just for wanting to be together. I saw the parents in the waiting room and couldn't believe the overpowering wave of disgust that came over me. The ignorance and intolerance of some people continues to shock me. But then Maggie physically punched the girl's mother in the face; it was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.

On a different note, April comes home tonight! Everyone keeps asking Jackson what he's planning for her arrival. I don't think he's going to do anything; I mean he did tell her that if she went their marriage was over. Still it'll be interesting to see what happens when she actually gets here.

Also, no one wants to live with Arizona. She's wigging out about it and it's kinda funny to watch. Bailey is also wigging out. She's up against this incredible cardio surgeon from Hopkins for Chief. The other doc gave a good presentation but Bailey brought everyone into the OR for hers, and let's just say it was perfectly Miranda Bailey, and of course she won.

I spent most of the day following the recovery of the two girls from the train accident. I watched their surgeries and hoped that the parent's would come around. Finally the one girl's father sat with the other's. Then he confronted the mother and defended their daughter and for the first time she had the support of at least one of her parents. That moment gave me hope for the future and for people in general.

All in all I'd say it was a pretty good day.

                                        - Mattie

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