Bad Guy

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Dear Diary,

Last night, Travis decided it was finally time for us to go out to a gay bar. We pulled together all of Seattle Fire Queers, plus Giuls, Carina, and Schmitt. He and Nico broke up the other day so I invited him to join us hoping it would cheer him up or at least show him that there are other guys out there. Carina and Giuls came over to pregame and get ready at our place. Maya and I popped open a bottle of wine and our favorite whiskey and cranked up a summer hits of the 90s playlist. I got all dressed up for the first time in what felt like forever and it was honestly so much fun. Schmitt met us at our apartment and we all took a shot before we left to meet Travis and Emmett at the bar.

When we walked in, colorful lights illuminated the already packed dance floor. I made a bee-line for the bar and Maya followed. I ordered a whiskey ginger and a rum and coke for Giulianna. Maya got the same and ordered a white wine for Carina (I tried to get her to drink something stronger but she refused haha). I looked around and found Giuls chatting with Travis near the DJ and danced over with our drinks. A minute or so later, our favorite Galantis song came on and she pulled me onto the dance floor.

The night was going well. We were all getting along and dancing and just having a great time. We even got Schmitt to talk to a cute guy who kept eyeing him up. Giuls and Carina were heading to the bar to get the next round when the lights suddenly went out. It was pitch black in the club, a couple of people shrieked, and everyone just stopped and stood still.. Well... almost everyone. When the lights came back on, I saw Travis and Emmett kissing, although Travis quickly pulled away as soon as he realized the lights were back. I immediately turned to see if Maya had seen it too and it was clear that she hadn't. I stared straight ahead trying to wrap my head around it before running over. Travis tried to slip away toward the bar but I followed, determined to find out what the hell I had just seen.

After my relentless besieging, Trav gave in and told me everything. They met and hooked up before he knew that Emmett was our new probie, before he even knew he was a firefighter. He made it clear that they were definitely not an item. They just... kept hooking up. Then he made me promise not to say anything. No one else knew and he especially didn't want Maya finding out. We're pretty sure it's against protocol and he didn't want to get in trouble for something so stupid. I swore I wouldn't say a word, but told him I couldn't promise that I wouldn't tease him privately. We both laughed before heading back to the dance floor to find our friends.

The rest of the night was pretty normal. Giuls left early because she had class at 8 this morning, so I spent the last hour or so we were at the bar being Levi's wingwoman. I got two cute guys to give him their numbers so I think it was a pretty successful night. We ended up closing down the bar, and Maya, Carina, and I stopped for a slice of late-night pizza on the way home. All in all it was a super fun night.

Since we were out so late last night, I actually slept in today. So did Maya and Carina... or maybe they didn't? But I didn't see them until after 11. I was sitting on the couch doing school work when Maya and Carina finally ventured out of Maya's room. I said good morning as they passed by, but was too focused on my clinical notes to really pay attention to what they were talking about or doing. That is until Maya walked out. I heard the door slam and was jolted back to reality. Looking up, I saw that Maya's keys were no longer by the door then realized that Carina was still sitting in the kitchen. They seemed perfectly happy when I saw them a few minutes earlier so I was really confused. Putting my books away, I walked into the kitchen to ask what happened.

Carina explained that she tried to talk to Maya about the stuff with her parents. Maya was getting mad and clearly didn't want to talk about it, but Carina didn't let up. She was telling Maya that there's more than one way to abuse someone; just because you weren't hit doesn't mean you weren't verbally or emotionally abused. Maya didn't want to hear it and told Carina to leave, but when she said she was staying, Maya left. She said she was just going for a run so Carina and I hoped she would be back soon.

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