Louder Than a Bomb pt. 2

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Dear Diary,

Today was so insane that I had to write twice. So after everything at the hospital with Andy, I got called in for a five alarm fire. Luckily I was only 3 blocks from the station so I was able to get there quickly and jump in the aid car with Warren and Montgomery. Travis was suuuper hung over and Ben was mocking him, saying that he was glad he wasn't at the party last night. Trav was then asking how the hell I wasn't in bad shape and was actually able to get up early and function this morning. I laughed and said that some of us can handle our liquor better than others. Obviously, I know that I'm a lightweight and just paced myself, but it was fun to mock him haha.

Before we left, I saw some guy sitting at the reception desk talking to Maya and immediately texted her to ask who he was. Just before we got to the scene she texted back; it was her dad. I couldn't imagine that him showing up was a great thing, but at the moment we had a job to do. I could talk to Maya about all that at home later.

As we pulled onto the scene, it didn't look like your typical 5 alarm fire. First of all, we were at Pac North which was really weird considering Alex, Richard, and Owen were all working there just a few months ago. Also, there didn't seem to be that much fire. Then we found out that there had been an explosion. As we were getting an idea of what was going on, there was another explosion and the whole thing got a lot scarier. The rest of the team suited up and ran into the building while I went back to the aid car to make sure it was ready. I watched and waited, trying my best not to worry about everyone.

Maya had taken control of the scene and I watched as she barked out orders. She called all of 19 out of the building, but just after she told them to evacuate, another explosion went off. That certainly didn't help my nerves. I listened closely to my radio as Maya called in to check on the team. They were all okay, but the explosion had trapped them down in a basement research lab. And in case the situation wasn't bad enough, Dixon showed up shortly after. He had Maya brief him on the situation, but didn't even let her finish before he marched off towards the reporters smiling. What a dick.

Anyway, I wasn't getting a lot of patients, just a few scrapes and bruises, but nothing that required hospital transport. After a while, there was a lull so I was just checking inventory and keeping tabs on the scene. I was listening closely to my walkie for updates from 19. I heard Jack call in a suspicious device, but his radio clicked off before he could tell us anything about it. I ran over to Maya in case it was an issue with my radio, but it wasn't; they all went silent. As we tried to figure out what was happening, we heard someone call her and turned to see her dad standing at the scene. He was suuuuuch a jerk. She told him that he shouldn't be there, but he said he wanted to see her actually do something... as if she doesn't actually do things all the time. Ya know, like be the youngest female captain in SFD history. But sure. She should go do something.

As we paced and waited for more information, I kept glancing back to see if Mr. Bishop was still there. Unfortunately, every time I looked, there he was. I'd heard enough stories to know that I didn't like this man, but the way he spoke to and was watching Maya... it just added to my disdain. A little while later, I treated a patient who was just fine and okay to leave on her own so I escorted her to the edge of the scene. Standing there at the police tape, Mr. Bishop came up to talk to me. I tried to ignore him but that proved to be a difficult task when he started yelling at me. I guess he saw me talking to Maya earlier and read my name off my uniform, cause he called out "Hey Rodriguez! Go tell my daughter she needs to come talk to me!"

I whipped around and told him that Captain Bishop was busy handling the scene at the moment and reiterated that he shouldn't be there to begin with. He got pissed and told me not to be a bitch and just go get Maya. At that point I was beyond done speaking to this man and just walked off back to the aid car.

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