The Perfect Storm

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Dear Diary (or notebook I found in my purse),

I'm spending the night at the hospital. There is an insane super-storm and it is too dangerous to be out on the road. In all actuality spending the night within the walls of Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital isn't a big deal, nor is it new to me. I keep a change of clothes and a toiletry bag in my locker, and I have my wallet so I'm set.

Almost everybody is stuck here too so in no way will I be lonely. Anyway I'm off to find something to do. I'll update you on my adventures later tonight

- Mattie

Dear Diary,

This storm really came, that's for sure. So much happened over the past 2 days that I don't even know where to begin. Two nights ago the power went out and the generators weren't working, causing the world to go dark only illuminated by the intermittent flashes of lightning. I found my way to the Peds wing and watched as Jo checked on a baby's incision. She sent me to get some gauze from the supply closet when I got there I realized that Arizona and Alex were in the closet as well. I quickly grabbed the gauze and left but I couldn't help but overhear Arizona tell Alex that she had slept with Dr. Boswell earlier in the night.

I tried to pretend I didn't know but Arizona could tell I did. She pulled me aside and tried to explain. I wasn't sure if she was saying it to try to get me to understand or to get it off her chest, either way I didn't care. I was mad at her, even though I now realize I had no reason to be. I had looked up to her for 3 years! How could she possibly do something like that?! I cut her off, "wow, I always thought you were you know, a good person, but hey I've been wrong before." I turned on my heels walked away and didn't even look back to see her react to what I had said.

I found out later that night that Meredith had her baby, a beautiful baby boy named Bailey. She had a serious complication and a splenectomy was necessary to save her life. I sat in her room for a while, we chatted for an hour or so, mostly about the baby and the storm before I got a text from Jo. I jumped to my feet as I read it and ran out the door.

Sprinting to the ER my mind was racing. What the hell happened?! I still don't know exactly how it happened but both Dr. Webber and Dr. Brooks were electrocuted and in critical condition. Cristina had to insert an aortic balloon pump into Dr. Webber's heart, and Heather was in emergency surgery. By this point the power had been back on for a while so I went up to the gallery to watch as Dr. Shepherd fervently tried to stop the bleeding in his favorite student's brain. The surgery seemed to be going alright for a while but things quickly went downhill. The steady rhythm of the monitor turned chaotic, until a single ominous beep was heard. As much as Dr. Shepherd tried, Heather Brooks died that night.

I went home a few hours later and laid awake in bed all night. My alarm went off at 5:00 as it does every morning. I got up, showered and dressed immediately; I didn't have school due to the storm but I couldn't stand lying in bed any longer. I went to the hospital and saw that Meredith was awake.

I sat quietly for a few minutes and listened as she talked about something random that she saw on TV the night before. She also talked about Bailey and how perfect he was, and she wasn't exaggerating, he really is a beautiful baby. She then suddenly told me that Callie and Sofia had stayed at her house the night before and would be there for a few days. I was holding Bailey entranced in his cuteness and was surprised at not only what she was saying but by how quickly she said it, like she didn't want anyone else to hear it. I just looked at her, unsure of why she was telling me this but she quickly went back to talking about her son.

The rest of the day went by without too much commotion. Dr. Webber was stable and recovering from the multiple surgeries he needed to locate necrotic tissue. Things started running more normally. As I was walking out to my car I was talking to Cristina, who was saying that Mer had asked her to go to her house to help Derek with things, especially since Callie was there. She was saying how she'd do anything, but she can't cook and knowing that I love to cook asked what I was doing tonight. I told her I wasn't doing anything, which led to me agreeing to go to Mer and Der's to make dinner.

My mom wasn't going to be home that night anyway so I was kind of glad to have company. I was sautéing some chicken when the doorbell rang. We were all pretty shocked to see Arizona standing on the porch. She wanted to see Sofia and Callie reluctantly agreed to let her spend 5 minutes with their daughter. When Cristina brought Sofia back inside, I quickly slipped out the door.

"Hey Z" I called after my friend as she was walking to her car. I sat down on the steps and motioned for her to join me. She looked at me unsure, and I told her I wanted to talk. She came and sat down next to me on the front steps of the porch. "Look I'm sorry. I had absolutely no right to be mad yesterday, I just," I started, but sighed not sure what words to use. "I've always looked up to you, and this just through me for a spin in with that. You're my role-model but before that you're my friend, and I haven't been a friend to you the past two days, and for that I'm so sorry. But I'm here now so if you need anything at all..."

I noticed Arizona's eyes well up as I was talking and now tears were falling down her face. I put my hand on her back and she collapsed in my arms. I realized that she had probably been holding everything since it happened since everyone seemed to be taking Callie's side. I held her tightly and let her cry, assuring her that everything would be okay. I had never seen my friend so upset and it broke my heart. She seemed to calm down after a while but still hugged me, head on my shoulder. We sat in silence that way for probably 15 min before either of us said anything. "You okay Z?" I asked quietly. She nodded her head and got up. "I will be" she replied as she walked away. I went back inside to finish the chicken acting like nothing had happened.

- Mattie

Author's Note:

So my plan is to try to update every weekend with Mattie's take on the most recent episode. I was sick over the weekend and was unable to upload, but I will be uploading on weekends from now on. I'm also going to start writing some completely new story lines for Mattie instead of going only with what's on the show. Hope you guys liked the chapter!

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