Who's Zoomin' Who?

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Dear Diary,

Today was filled with surprises, some more shocking than others. I overheard a lot of things I probably shouldn’t have, things that are supposed to be secrets. I’ll keep my mouth shut about all of it, I’m good at keeping secrets, but I feel the need to share this information so I guess writing it all down will have to do.

Early this morning was relatively uneventful. I got to the hospital around 5:30. I grabbed a chocolate chip muffin from the cafeteria for breakfast; I forgot to pack a granola bar. I then joined Dr. Bailey and her interns on rounds as I do every morning. I then went to school. I took my test in geometry, read aloud in English, and played soccer in Phys Ed. I walked back to the hospital at the end of the day and that’s when all the excitement began.

I shadowed Dr. O’Malley today; he was working with Dr. Burke and Dr. Karev, so I guess I was really shadowing all of them. The patient was one of Burke’s best friends. It turned out that he has an ovary, surprise of the day number one. They removed it and found that he was sterile, which was surprise of the day number two, considering his wife is about seven months pregnant.

I was talking to Alex while walking with him to get labs. He told me that George had syphilis. Surprise number three. In fact a lot of the surgical staff has been infected with syphilis, enough people to cause a mandatory safe sex talk. Thank god I didn’t have to go to that!

On the way back I saw some scans up in radiology. I went in to see what they were. I saw a nice sized brain tumor near the patient’s eyes. I then noticed the patient’s name, “Richard Webber.” Surprise number four. I quickly left the room and a minute later saw Dr. Shepherd walk in, so I’m guessing that he’s going to take out the chief’s tumor.

Most of the rest of the day went by without too much excitement. Around 8:30 my mom called me to say that she wouldn’t be getting out of work until late and that she wanted me to wait for her to pick me up at the hospital. There was a break in a few houses down from ours the other day so my mom has been a little paranoid about me being home by myself, especially late at night. I decided to go down to the cafeteria to grab something to eat since I probably wouldn’t be getting home for a few hours.

On my way back upstairs, after eating a chicken sandwich and an apple for dinner, I ran into Izzie and Cristina. They were acting really weird. I then found out that they were planning to steal a body from the morgue, more specifically the body of the man who died on their watch today. They wanted to perform an unauthorized autopsy to find out why the man died, even though the family didn’t want an autopsy done. I guess that was surprise number five.

Later that night, it was around midnight at this point and I was still waiting on my mom, I was grabbing a chart for George from the nurses’ station. Derek and Meredith were standing nearby and while I wasn’t trying to listen in to their conversation I couldn’t help but overhear. Meredith was telling Derek that her mother wasn’t really traveling, she wasn’t really writing a book, she’s in a nursing home because she has advanced early onset Alzheimer’s. Surprise number six. I was saddened to hear that the amazingly talented Ellis Grey had Alzheimer’s, but even more so for Meredith. I can’t even imagine how hard it must be to have a mother with such a terrible disease but I imagine that not being able to talk about it would be even worse.

I went to check on how the cheif was doing and to find out if he had his eyesight. Thank goodness he does! I eventually went down to the skills lab to practice some sutures and wait for my mom. Finally at around 1:00 my mom called to tell me she was waiting outside. I grabbed my stuff and headed down to the lobby to leave. As I was on my way out I saw Derek and Meredith together. Then a woman walked into the hospital and over to them. I heard her say to Meredith, “you must be the woman screwing my husband.” Surprise number seven. My heart broke for Meredith. I was, and to be honest still am, filled with anger that Derek is married and lied about it. 

Like I said today was filled with surprises.

                                                                                                                        -     Mattie

Authors note: Hey! I hope you like the story so far. And seriously if you have any feedback good or bad please let me know. I want to improve the story and add things that you guys want to read so let me know!

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