Song Beneath the Song

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Author's note:

First off since this episode was kind of weird because a lot of it was from Callie's view of what she saw happening, this chapter will not be a diary entry. It will still be in first person point of view but any musical numbers are what Callie imagines, just like the rest of the episode.

Second I know a lot of Grey's fans, greysanatomaniacs, what ever you want to call the fandom, don't particularly like this episode but I do so I'm going to write it anyway.

Third seriously if you have any suggestions or any feedback at all let me know. I want to know what you guys think!

Song Beneath the Song

I was out on a date with my boyfriend of almost two years, Liam. The sweet blonde and I were watching a movie together, hands intertwined, and only half paying attention to the film.

I felt my phone buzz with an incoming text message. Normally I would have ignored it but I felt the need to check and see who it was from. The message was from Lexie, it read "Callie was in an accident. I think you'll want to be here."

In that moment my heart stopped beating, my hands clammed up and started to tremble. I looked at Liam and he could tell something was wrong. I told him what had happened. "Don't worry babe, I'm sure she'll be fine," he replied. I shook my head telling him I was sorry to leave our night out early but I had to get to the hospital.

I got up and walked out of the theatre, my boyfriend in tow. We got out to the lobby and I could tell he was mad. "You always pick your friends over me! Always! You're always in that stupid hospital!" He spat angrily.

I told him that wasn't true, that I loved him, and that I was sorry but I needed to be there for my friend, one of my best friends. I went to kiss him goodbye but he pulled away. I waved good bye telling Liam I'd call him later, and left for the Seattle Grace Mercy West.

I pulled up in my silver honda accord, parked, and ran into the hospital. I found my way to the ER and watched through the glass as one of my best friends was barely gripping to life. I was shocked, I had no idea it was so bad. I wondered how Arizona, who had been in the car with her, had ended up with only a gash to her forehead.

The doctors quickly moved her up to the OR for emergency surgery. Immediately I went up to the gallery. Arizona was up there already as they transferred Callie on to the operating table. I took a seat next to Arizona and just sat there silently for a few minutes not knowing what to say. As they started the operation I saw panic in Arizona's eyes. I took her hand in mine and looked back to the commotion in the OR below us.

Callie made it through that operation and was moved up to the ICU. On my way up to her room I called Liam like I promised I would. I figured he'd had time to calm down and wouldn't be as angry with me. He picked up but didn't say anything. "Hey baby" I started.

"What do you want?" he shot back.

"Nothing I just wanted to talk to you. I said I would call. And I needed to hear your voice. I don't know if Callie's going to make it through the night."

I expected a little bit of compassion from my boyfriend at a time like this. I don't think that's asking for too much. But I didn't get compassion I just got a long angry lecture as to how our date should have taken priority over being at my friends bedside. He yelled for a good five minutes before I cut him off. "I can't believe you're mad at me right now" I said in disbelief.

"How could I not be?! You left me to go to that damn hospital!" he yelled in response.

By this point I was yelling back at him. "Of course I'm going to be here for my friends! If you can't understand that you clearly don't understand me! Maybe we just aren't right for each other!"

The line went quiet for a moment as we both took in what I had just said. Slowly he said "I'm sorry"

That was the final match to lite my fuse and I went off. "You're sorry?! YOURE SORRY?! You're not sorry! At least not for being so nasty to me about all of this! Maybe you're sorry that I'm mad but you're not really sorry!"

His silence confirmed my statement.

Eventually he said quietly "then is this it? Are we over?"

"I guess so" I replied, my voice barely audible. I heard the other end click and the line went dead.

Music began to play through out the hospital lobby. The familiar music of Taylor Swift's White Horse. The words began to flow from me as I made my way to the elevator. "Say you're sorry that face of an angel comes out just when you need it to. As I pace back and forth all this time cause I honestly believed in you. Holding on the days drag on stupid girl I should've known I should've known..."

A few hours later around 11:00 I was sitting on the couch in Callie's room. Arizona had her head rested on my shoulder as we listened to the steady beeping of the monitor, silently praying that it wouldn't stop.

As Arizona began to fall asleep her body relaxed. Eventually she was curled up next to me, head in my lap, sound asleep. I sat there wide awake stroking her blond hair as she slept, and hoping that Callie would still be alive when she woke up.

Callie made it through the night. She made it through the next surgery. They flew Addison in to help. It was nice to see her. We caught up over coffee once Callie and her daughter were stable in recovering.

While the baby had to be delivered extremely premature she was holding on and seemed strong. Callie was recovering well and someone was almost always at her bedside. Mark and Arizona took turns being at their daughters side. When they weren't in the NICU they were sitting with Callie.

I tried to be there as best I could for not only Callie but Arizona and Mark as well. I hadn't told anyone yet that Liam and I broke up the night of the accident. It wasn't until a week after it happened that I told anyone.

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