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Copyright © 2016

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner what so ever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.  


"Get out, " I said softly, velvety sheets of my king-sized bed draped across my naked torso.

" What? " asked the ever so naked blonde next to me.

" I said get out, I have to tend to some business. " I replied with frustration.

"But baby, don't you want another bite? " she asked innocently extending her neck out which already had two fang marks from our activities earlier. Being the king of all vampires was amazing, the power and fear that came with that position, was like an adrenaline rush that lasted a lifetime. Another very delightful perk of being king was... Mistresses, which I possessed many of, just like the blonde next to me at that very instance. I looked over the blond once again but felt absolutely nothing, no hunger, no arousal. Annoyance and frustration were all I felt towards her.

"No," I answered annoyed.

"Come on, you know you want to, " she spoke teasingly and moved her neck closer to my face.

" I really didn't want to do this but you leave me no choice, love. " I spoke with a calm demeanor.

" Wha.." She didn't even have time to speak before I plunged my fangs into her and ripped her throat out. Swiftly, I got out of bed and looked over the bloody mess I made.

"Damn it, that was Arabian silk, " I muttered at the loss of my precious covers.

" Thomson! " I roared while pulling on my robe.

In a matter of minutes, my adviser, Thomson, knocked on my door.

"Come in, " I murmured while trying to tie the robe, knowing extremely well that he could hear me as he too was a vampire.

"Your highness, what can I do for you? " Thomson chirped with a huge smile, not at all bothered by the dead body as he was used to my antics.

"Just get the bed cleaned up, " I answered with a bored look

"Of course your highness. "

"Oh and Thomson I would like to visit the human nursing home for a new mistress and feeder, I believe the one I want to visit is titled 'Rose', "

"I will look into it, your highness, " Thomson bowed and called in a group of slaves to clean up my mess.

The vampire King's young MateWhere stories live. Discover now