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Different! Everything felt different. I was happy at one but now I felt strange; it was very unsettling and all this was caused by the one tiny source known as Amelia. It had been eight months since she turned sixteen and for some obscure reason I couldn't find it within myself to change her; I remembered how hell-bent I was on turning my little mate on her birthday but I changed my mind once observing her peculiar behaviour. I continued delaying it and now eight whole months had passed yet I still hadn't turned her into a vampire.

A crystal glass was clenched tightly within my hands as the metallic amber liquid swirled inside. I was sat atop my throne in a secluded silence. It seemed nowadays I enjoyed the peace of utter quietude rather than the absurd yet adorable conversations I used to have with my little angel because a few months after her sixteenth birthday I realized that the girl in front of me wasn't the same as my Amelia; upon touching her I felt the same tingling sparks I felt when touching my mate, I could feel the intense bond midst us and she looked exactly like my mate albeit her personality had altered immensely. She wasn't the same and I was sure she wasn't my angel but today I was going to confirm my suspicion.

With a deep sigh, I rose from my throne and began making my way to the siren estate that I had built for my adherent witches. Slamming the manor's door open I sauntered inside to find the oldest of the group, Lilian lay across the velvety, azure settee in front of the main door. Her exquisitely shaped body clad in a deep scarlet, sheer material that left much too little to the imagination whilst her fiery vermilion tendrils scattered around the silk cushions. "What are you doing here your highness?" she questioned after a few moments as her solid black eyes glanced towards me before she shot up and bowed down.

"I need to ask you if there is a spell that can forge the replica of a mate bond simultaneously transforming one's image?" I questioned half hoping that there was such a spell to explain the odd behaviour displayed by my Amelia but at the same time I wanted nothing more than this to be just a period of change in her life because honestly, I couldn't bear the thought of my real mate out there somewhere, possibly hurt and me not knowing about it for this long pained me beyond belief.

Many believe that my cruelty and indifference were one constant that could never be altered but they were wrong; as soon as I gazed into her sparkling, cocoa eyes I had begun caring. I wanted to be the shining prince she deserved but it wasn't in my nature; I was programmed to be malicious albeit I still made an effort for her. No one knew it but I had changed; she changed me however she probably didn't even know herself. "I believe there is such a spell," Lillian's mellow voice penetrated the eerily calm that mantle us.

"Wait here! I will be returning with Amelia; tell me if she really is my mate or an intruder in disguise," I announced as she bowed down.

I rushed to the main castle before hurling through the royal bedroom doors where I knew she was. Upon entering the room I spotted the dainty girl perched in front of the vanity with a pure white gold chain engraved by the finest amethyst in the realm draped across her slender neck as her lithe fingers attempted to clasp the hook. Swiftly, I moved behind her and positioned her silky, tendrils on her left shoulder. My calloused hands upon securing the necklace trailed down her bare back which was revealed due to the risque, translucent burgundy dress she wore. Her body quivered against my touch; I leaned down so that my mouth was next to her ear. "Come with me," I whispered before grabbing her palm and directing her towards the Siren Manor.

The vampire King's young MateWhere stories live. Discover now