AWAY (12)

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My eyes fluttered open but immediately shut close once the bright sunlight attacked my weak eyes. I groaned and turned around expecting to face William but surprisingly he wasn't there. I scratched my head in confusion whilst getting out of bed and stretching before heading to the bathroom to freshen up. It was odd how I was beginning to get accustomed to life here in the castle when in fact it had only been a few days since I was brought here against my will.

Going through the closet I ended up selecting an evidently comfortable white maxi and a pair of white flats. Throwing on my selected clothing I headed out of the room to the kitchen for something to eat but as soon as I was down the last step of the stairs I saw the same blond I had met last night being dragged away by two hefty men. I peeked around the corner to see a massive, oak wood door.

I was quite curious up until then but when William's gruff voice drifted across the isolated hallway I had gone beyond curiosity; taking slow steps towards the door I began listening in on his conversation. "What do you plan on doing with Dimitri?" An unfamiliar voice questioned.

"Oh, so many things... But first I want to torture the scoundrel until he begs for death," William growled out with an amused chuckle at the end. I let out a startled gasp when those words left his mouth. I knew he was a heartless monster but for some obscure reason his statement had left me shocked, I was begging to believe that he wasn't all that bad but I was clearly wrong.

Last night, when I had spoken with the blond man I saw a glint of kindness in his eyes which I admit I had never seen in William's. Whatever had transpired between the blond man and William I knew the one to blame was William, he was the one responsible for everything wrong because he was the bad guy. Is he really? The voice in my head taunted.

Of course, he is! I reminisced about reading fables when I was younger, a shining prince saving the depressed damsel from the malicious, evil king. It was obvious if the people in my life were to fit those characters then the mysterious blond man would without a doubt be the 'shining prince' with his kind azure eyes and gentle smile whereas William would be the evil king with his dark personality, powerful aura, emotionless eyes and cruel smirk but unfortunately fate had partnered me with William so I had to find all that attractive.

Just admit it, even if you weren't his mate you'd still find him attractive! The annoying voice in my head teased yet again and I ground my teeth in frustration because of the sheer truth of that statement. It was hard to deny because anyone with eyes could see that William was indeed a very attractive man.

I decided I had enough after a little longer so I began creeping away when William's robust voice froze me in my steps, "You can come in now love, I know you've been there for the last few minutes," I sighed in annoyance before stomping to the doors and walking into the large room.

I was awed as soon as I stepped inside, not by the various men that stood around the room with their bodies bowed in respect of my arrival, not even the colossal and magnificent interior of the room but by my breathtaking mate that sat on his high throne like a true king.

The vampire King's young MateWhere stories live. Discover now