DEATH (23)

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Three weeks had passed with Elizabeth in my ever so caring custody and she had revealed almost everything except for the most significant thing, my little one's location. I had almost ripped the bitch's head off when she divulged how brutally she knocked out my mate and took her to the bastard, all because of her uncanny obsession for me, but I controlled myself for the greater good. Nevertheless, there were those not so dull moments of the interrogation when Elizabeth refused to speak thus leading my men to torture the information out of her. I had planned for the final inquiry today and finally extract my angel's location through a mind intruding spell Lillian, one of my five witches, had been working on through the weeks so that we could take a look inside Elizabeth's filthy brain and find where Amelia was thus conclusively getting rid of the vile whore.

I called in one of the servants to tie my hair which had grown a considerable amount into a tight plait accompanied by a jet-black suit matching my hair. Dressed more casual than usual the first few buttons of the shirt underneath my jacket were propped open as I decided to abandon the usual blood-red tie. Once ready I began making my way to the dungeons where Elizabeth was held. Entering the dreary cells I found a few of my guards, Lillian and Thomson all bowed waiting for my arrival. My throne perched just before Elizabeth's chain wrapped, half suspended and broken body. I took a seat on my throne and raised my hand for Lillian to commence; her hands slowly moved forward before clutching the sides of Elizabeth's scalp as her finger began digging into her skin, visible drops of blood trickled down her auburn locks, tainting it with a sinister scarlet. Lilian's eyes shut tight before she whispered something in Latin and tilted her head back. 

Ear-piercing shrieks began emitting from Elizabeth as I continued to remain stoic and observe the scene with amusement. A small smirk crept up to my face when Elizabeth let out another cry. A minute or so passed and Lillian released her hold on the bitch and sauntered over to me, whispering what I needed to know in my ear with a gentle blow. I nodded my head and allowed her to take her leave, she bowed down but remained still, it was evident that she didn't want to miss what I was about to do. So with a humorous laugh, I permit her to stay.

"Offense after offence and you believed I'd let you live? Why?" I inquired truly curious to why she thought she was a special case, was it because I bed her once or twice?

"You let me do whatever I want for so long so I thought, I thought.." she began but choked as a sob wracked her body, blood spilling from her mouth as she coughed with streaks of tears running down her face.

"You thought I loved you, didn't you?" I asked with a curious expression; the only reason I let her live for so long was that she was working for me to make Dimitri fall for her and extract all his secrets but she failed at that too.

"Don't act as if you didn't. I know you loved me until that brat came into your life," she spat with rage. 

My hands trailed her bloodied cheek with a gentle touch as she leaned into my touch, releasing a content sigh. I moved closer to her ear, "such a shame darling, I'd hoped to present you as a gift to my men once you were finished with the task of infiltrating Dimitri's service," I murmured with a mock grim expression consequently resulting in a gasp of horror to be emitted from her.

"Goodbye love," I whispered before ripping her heart out, the only way to permanently dispose of a vampire. After nearly a hundred centuries Elizabeth was finally gone; she would never return.

"I'd say that was cruel, even by your standards your highness," Lilian's mellow voice commented once I crushed the slightly beating heart in my hand. 

I let out a gruff laugh, "I'd say that you are not aware of my standards then," I exclaimed with a taunting wink to which she replied with a melodious chuckle.

I ordered Thomson to send a message to Dimitri about my arrival; I may have been cruel but I was no coward. I wasn't going to attack without the bastard's knowledge; unlike him, I was going to claim my mate back right in front of his face. I had a sardonic smirk adorned on my face as I thought about the ways by which I'd torture him. Amelia had given me a conscience and so I had begun re-thinking that perhaps it was my fault that Dimitri went against my rule, mayhap I shouldn't have killed Julia and I was ready to forgive and forget yet now all I wanted was to see the scoundrel suffer, maybe it was because Amelia was away or maybe because he crossed a line by involving her in our fight but as of now I was once again without a conscience.

It was hypocritical of me to react like so when I had once taken away Dimitri's mate but the fact was that I couldn't care any less. I was wrong to hurt Julia but no one would know that and Amelia wouldn't suffer the same fate, I'd make sure of that. 

Soft hands planted themselves on my shoulder, "What do you think you're doing Lilian?" I asked with a tired sigh, the only touch I wanted, I couldn't have.

"I'm just trying to relieve some of your tension, your highness," she purred out. Witches were always a little too touchy and I would've accepted her invitation if there wasn't that certain little human in my life but now the only one I wanted was Amelia and if I couldn't have her, I didn't want anyone else. Subtly, I removed her delicate hands from my shoulders before planting a kiss on her forehead and walking away. 

By this time tomorrow, I'd have my mate in my arms and Dimitri would be dead, this was a promise. It was the time he went back to his mate in hell and left mine alone...

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