WANT (4)

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I can't believe I have to address this here but anyways William has stopped aging at eighteen since he's a vampire so literally speaking they only have a three year age gap between them plus they are not having intercourse till Amelia is of age so if you still have a problem with their three year age gap then this book is probably not for you furthermore, he isn't going any further than kissing her. I hope that is clear now. Thank you for everyone who understood from the beginning - (17/2/2016)


I felt as if I was floating on a cloud, my previous bed wasn't this comfortable and I could feel something cold around my waist but surprisingly it felt good, in fact, I had the best sleep I had in my whole life. 

I tried prying my eyes open but I was just too fatigued because of the attack, as soon as the thought about the attack entered my mind a jolt of energy shot through my veins and I got up. My mind went back to the attack, I remember I had just showered and was about to head to bed when screams began echoing all around the house so I immediately made my way to the children.

I had always been treated a little better than all the other humans at my shelter but I never knew why; Most would be happy because of that fact but I hated how I was treated differently when there were other kids who deserved those luxuries way more than I did so I'd share most of my things with the little kids in the nursery.

I needed to know if the children were okay, I was snapped out of my thoughts when a low groan infiltrated my surroundings. My heart beat quickened and I felt something tighten around my waist; taking a deep breath I looked down to my abdomen to see an arm wrapped around me and that's when I let out a loud scream.


All of a sudden the arm on my waist tightened and I was pulled down on the bed and a man climbed on top of me. My breath hitched, he was the same man who saved me and just like the last time I was stunned by his beauty.

His long jet-black hair flowed down his perfectly sculpted face like a dark ocean, his striking gray eyes shone with happiness and my eyes were just traveling down to his lips when his brawny and chiseled chest rumbled with a growl.

"Angel, you don't want to look at me that way or I won't be able to control myself," he breathed out and my heart went into overdrive. I looked back into his eyes only to realize that they were no longer the beautiful gray they were once before rather they were pitch black and once my gaze traveled to his lips I saw two pointing white jewels just above his bottom lip.

That's when everything clicked, he was a vampire! I tried to scream but I was cut short when the alluring vampire smashed his lips onto mine and strangely I felt like I was in heaven and I couldn't help but respond with equal passion. It felt like before him I was incomplete, like a part of my heart just wasn't there but now I was finally complete.

A few minutes later he moved away and I whimpered at the loss of his cold lips. "Don't worry love; now that I have you, I'll never let you go," he declared whilst tucking back a piece of my stray hair.

I was instantly comforted by his touch and snuggled closer into him. I took in a deep breath of his heavenly scent and was just about to drift off when the thought about the children crossed my mind and I rolled to the side.

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