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Nine years went by agonizingly slow; every single second felt like an eternity. In this long period of time without my mate, I had begun losing my temper to a point where I didn't feel sane anymore. People were afraid of me before, but now they were petrified. To calm myself down, I'd often visit my little angel at night. She was fifteen years of age now and as I had predicted, she had blossomed into a stunning beauty.

I closed my eyes and let the breath, I was holding in, out which caused the glass in front of me to fog; I felt like a total creep standing outside a fifteen-year old's window watching her every move but it calmed me and I needed peace ever so much right now because of a defiant vampire group, which had risen up against the monarchy; I knew it was just a matter of time before I crushed them but nevertheless the whole situation was quite stressful.

I continued to watch but Amelia had just disappeared into her private bathroom, which I had gotten installed for her as I didn't want her sharing restrooms with the other kids. She had been in there for a while now and I had begun to worry when all of sudden she walked out; I sighed in relief but then my breath got hitched in my throat as I stared at her dripping wet, towel clad body.

I needed to leave before I did something I'd regret later on. With one last look at my mate, I left for the cold loneliness of my colossal castle. I walked through the mahogany doors that led to my office and began looking through a few of the files regarding the patrolling around the castle grounds so that the area may be completely safe for my angel's arrival.

I had double checked all the security measures and was about to head back to my room for a few hours of sleep when all of a sudden my office doors burst open and a Thomson rushed in; I was just about to teach him a lesson about discipline for just barging in like that when he began speaking.

"Your highness, Rose nursing home was under attack by the rebel vampire cult we have been after; there are only a few survivors,".

I stood there stunned before pushing Thomson out of the way and sped my way to the nursing home hoping that my mate was still alive and well; If there was even a single scratch on her precious body, there would be hell!

I made it to the nursing home just in time; I could see a fragile and petite Amelia curled up on the dirty ground as a much bigger vampire stood atop her with lust evident in his red, deranged eyes. I walked over to him before ripping him off with a loud growl.

I then proceeded to rip him limb from limb until his body was in pieces; I wasn't in control anymore and I wanted to kill anything and everything in my way, I was just about to make my way to another rebel I spotted when a soft whimper stopped me.

I looked back to see Amelia still curled up on the ground; I walked towards her, "are you okay?" I questioned softly, completely forgetting about all my rage.

She looked up at with a horrified expression before it softened when she realized it wasn't the man who tried to attack her instead the man who saved her. She nodded her head yes with slight hesitance before trying to get up. She was about half way up when she let out a groan and fell to the floor; in an instant, I was by her side and began examining her foot.

She let out a slight gasp as my hand touched the skin on her ankle, I guessed that she felt the slight spark caused because of the mate bond as I did. It seemed as if her ankle was twisted, it pained me to see her hurting.

I went towards her and gently lifted her into my arms, cradling her close to my chest as she snuggled closer to me. I began walking slowly to the castle leaving behind dead bodies and debris of the broken home; my angel would be with me now and no one could harm her, NO ONE!

I reached the castle a little later than I would have if I was using my fastest pace but I had to be careful of my little sleeping mate in my arms. As soon as I entered the castle Thomson was by my side, "are you okay your highness?".

I motioned my head to my mate telling Thomson to keep it down, thankfully he got the message and held his arms out to take her; I knew he was just trying to help but I couldn't stop the growl that erupted from within me.

Thomson moved back with a small smile and bowed his head in submission, I just glared at him in reply and began walking to my room. When I reached my room I lay her on my bed and covered her with silk satin sheets.

I was about to leave when all of a sudden Amelia began to whimper, I went closer to her to inspect if she had any serious injuries. After finishing my inspection I caressed her cheeks and was about to leave when she grabbed my hand and began whimpering once more.

I smiled gently in response to her actions and climbed into the bed next to her and wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close effectively quieting her down.

I moved my face into the crook of her neck, breathing in her enticing aroma and gave her a small peck on her neck before settling comfortably into the bed and drifting off into a peaceful slumber with my mate by my side. The warmth of her skin against my cold, dead one was bliss; I was finally complete!

The vampire King's young MateWhere stories live. Discover now