ACHE (19)

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"You incompetent pieces of shit! Can you not carry out a simple order?" I roared, my fists clenched tight and my teeth elongated because of the sheer rage coursing through my veins. I looked around the room, facing every one of my men that were assigned to locate Dimitri and eliminate him. "He was fucking injured, alone and severely weak yet he managed to overpower you? morons!" I continued to fume. I had lied to Amelia about letting the traitorous bastard go free and ordered a few of my most elite fighters to chase Dimitri down when he was down in the tunnels but somehow the fucker managed to defeat them; he truly had grown stronger but I should've expected that as vampires continue to grow more powerful with their age. He was almost as old as me so I knew he would be a force to deal with but I thought that my best fighters could take him down at his weakest point; I guess I was wrong. 

My gaze lowered down to the lifeless body of Carlos, the man I had assigned as the leader of this mission. Dimitri had taken out the heart of one of my greatest men with ease which meant that the only one who could take him down now was me. "Burn him!" I instructed whilst pointing down at the brawny, blond-haired man beneath my feet. The men scrambled to get his body off the floor before hurrying out of the room. I needed to calm myself; If my anger continued to rise I would end up in a blood frenzy and as of this minute I didn't need a pile of bodies around the castle. The only person who could manage quench my thirst for blood at that moment was my mate, my Amelia. 

Taking a deep breath, I bellowed Thomson over to the study. In an instant, he was before me, his head bowed low, the metallic silver mop of hair that sat on his head shielded his wise, sea-green eyes. He knew I was at my breaking point thus was careful around me at the point. "Send Amelia to me right now!" he nodded his head in reply and walked out to get my mate for me.

As soon as Thomson left I began thinking about how I was always so isolated, alone and lonely albeit I had a kingdom behind me, I never had a real family just that one friend who betrayed me. It was always just me but now I had her and with her, I gained a family, a friend, and a partner. Just the thought of Amelia had me calming down; I could feel my teeth retracting and the urge to rip someone's throat being pacified. 

I could smell Thomson coming from a mile away yet the sweet, vanilla scent I had grown accustomed to did not accompany him. I snarled once Thomson entered the study but just as I presumed without Amelia in tow. "Where is she?" I asked, my tone low indicating of the violent rage I was trying to contain within me. He visibly gulped, "Your highness I can't seem to find the future queen anywhere," his voice filled with hesitance.

In an instant, I was in front of him, my hands clasped around his neck in a tight hold. "What do you mean you can't find her anywhere?" my thoughts began spiraling. Where was she? Did she escape? Did someone take her?

"I apologize, your h-highness I've looked everywhere in the castle but I couldn't f-find her," he choked out. 

"Fuck!" I roared out before dropping Thomson's body on the ground. "Tell all my men to search every single inch of the castle grounds to retrieve my mate; if they are unable to find her each one of them will be severely punished!" The ferocity in my tone resonated throughout the vicinity. 

Thomson nodded frantically subsequently clambering out to carry my orders through. I began thinking about all the possibilities I had to get Amelia back if indeed she was taken or had escaped. The witches! They were my best bet. As a king, I had many accessibilities and one of them was having the only live five witches in the world at my beck and call; Lilian, Kassandra, Katherine, Bethany, and Daniella. Decades ago there used to be six of them including the great Margo. Her downfall was that she fell for one of Dimitri's human supporters and later proceeded to join his rebellion. It's such a shame that she was killed during an ambush by my men on Dimitri's petty followers because, she indeed, was the strongest witch among all.

I was about to summon a few of my men to collect the witches when my study doors burst open and in walked my dainty mate but obscurely there seemed to be something different about her; instead of her usual aura of innocence an unusual air of confidence mantled her. She took long, elegant steps towards me; it was as if I was seeing a whole new person and I didn't know how I felt about it. Her usual chestnut locks flowed behind her whilst her cocoa eyes held an eerily mischievous expression which set me on edge. She sauntered over to me before boldly plopping herself onto my lap. Her teeth grazed her plump, rosy bottom lip before she slammed her lips onto mine. The all too familiar tingles crept up my spine and I sighed with bliss but then all of a sudden her tongue rushed into my mouth and began a dominance battle which was so unlike her that I couldn't help but reluctantly pull away.

"Where were you?" I questioned firmly albeit what I really wanted to ask was what the hell is going on with her. 

"Oh I was just out in the royal garden, you know how I love nature," she smiled cheekily before snuggling into my hold.

A small smile made its way onto my face, "Yea I know, that reminds me! I have a surprise for you," I announced whilst scooping her up into my arms, placing my hands securely under her bottom for support. 

Her face burrowed into the crook of my neck and she planted a rough kiss there, she was being unusually affectionate. I ignored my intruding thoughts and began making my way to the greenhouse I had gotten built for her. I knew my little mate had developed a strong love for greenery throughout her years in the human house so I thought it'd be best if I had a memento of the things she previously enjoyed in the castle.

As soon as we reached the greenhouse I placed Amelia on the floor. "So what do you think?" I asked gesturing towards the enormous, glassed building. I could see her expression turn bitter but soon was replaced by a sweet, innocent smile. 

"I love it!" she exclaimed before grabbing my large, callous hands in her tiny ones and skipping towards the clear doors. She proceeded to walk around and briefly glance at all the rare plants but didn't comment on them or smell each and every single one of them like I had anticipated. 

She was done looking in a few minutes and insisted that she was only tired when I questioned her odd behaviour; we decided it would be best if we took some rest in the bedroom as I didn't want my angel in any sort of discomfort.  

There was something different about her today  I thought recalling her actions from earlier this morning but quickly dismissed the thought once I felt her lean further into my cold body. My eyes gazed upon the little creature snuggled into my chest as the ruby-red, silk comforter ensnared her completely. A few wild tresses covered her forehead and I swiftly moved them away continuing to admire her fragile beauty.

I truly loved my little Amelia with all my heart.

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