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Eight months seemed to fly by due to my heart being at peace after such a long period of my existence. I owed it all to the tiny nymphet that I had come to adore recently. I could see my hands clenching in the mirror as an effort to suppress the intense desire that swarmed through my body at her thought; my blond, dishevelled hair shone due to the natural lighting of the sun escaping through the collosol bay window located behind the full-length mirror. I noticed how my indigo eyes shone with such happiness that I hadn't seen in a long time. Tugging the rolled sleeves of my cherry, plaid shirt down, I smoothed down the creases of my denim jeans before exiting the main room down to the lounge where I knew Amelia was waiting for me.

She had changed quite a lot since she had been here, away from that cruel mate of her's. In the first few month, she walked around like a zombie once in a while she'd give me that fraudulent smile of her's at my unwavering attempts to make her laugh but I knew that inside she was broken because of that scoundrel, William, and his betrayal. The fact that he could affect her so was abhorrent but I knew that it wasn't her fault rather the mate bond they shared. At least, that was what I convinced myself to believe because the alternative was that she had begun falling for him and his deception left her devastated in actuality which I didn't want to accept because adding more complexity to our situation, I had taken a liking to little Amelia.  I sighed deeply as I realized how much easier it would've been if I wasn't so fond of her.

Finally, arriving at the lounge I began looking for the reason for the sudden joy in my life and after a few moments, I found her curled up on one of the stiff couches, gazing at the emptiness in front of her. With slow steps, I walked up to her before placing my arms around her dainty body and lifting her up subsequently positioning her on my lap. She snuggled into my chest and took a deep breath. I began running my hands through her unruly, coffee-coloured locks. "He can't find me here, can he?" 

"No, he can't. This is the northern territory, and we have quite a few supporters here, so we're safe plus Margo placed a cloaking spell on you thus he can't locate you, even with magic," I answered truthfully but couldn't help but notice how she flinched once I mentioned Marog's name. 

"Did Margo do or say something wrong to you?" I questioned getting a little pissed at the thought of anyone hurting Amelia.

"No!" she replied abruptly. Pulling away a little, she looked me in the eyes and began, "in fact, she has been so wonderful and that's what makes it worst the fact that my mate, William was responsible for the death of her one, true love yet she continues to act so kindly," she finished with a defeated exhalation.

The way she blamed herself for William's mistakes angered me to no end. Gripping her delicate chin, I lifted it up so that we were facing one another. "That was William's doing, not yours so don't you dare reprimand yourself for that. Understood?" I inquired firmly.

She smiled a little and nodded. Weirdly, the whole atmosphere had thickened over a matter of minutes; this had been happening quite a lot for the past few days. My eyes bore into her's as I could feel myself getting lost in them, I could also feel the erratic thudding of her heart. It was getting hotter which was absurd because I was dead and when you're dead everything is cold so why the hell was the temperature rising. Her eyes shined with bewilderment as if she too was confused about what was happening. The both of us began leaning closer instinctively, she wrapped her hands around the base of my neck as mine crept down to her back. Her bottom lip grazed mine and that's when I knew I needed more so with a foreign hunger, I slammed my lips onto her's.

Our lips began moving in sync and I was in absolute bliss. I couldn't believe it, for the first time in decades I felt something with a woman and I hadn't even slept with her. Her lips were as soft as cotton which was ever so tempting to bite so without another thought I sunk my teeth into her bottom lip which resulted in a pleasured groan to be emitted from me and a breathy moan from her. I placed my hands on her bottom before lifting her up and begin my way to the main bedroom where we'd both be more comfortable but before I could take another step, a mellow tone interrupted us. "Dimitri?" It was Margo.

Her viridescent eyes held a shocked yet hurt look within them as she took in my arms around Amelia and I knew why; I couldn't help but feel guilty for the hope I had given her but that was prior to Amelia entering my already distraught life. I began saying something when she raised her arm up to quite me. A slow, kind smile crept up to her naturally bronzed face and she gave me a nod of approval. "You deserve to be happy," she mouthed before turning around and leaving.

A smile of its own made it's way up to my face; that was the very reason I believed in time I'd fall for Margo thus beginning a relationship with her, because of her kindness but what I didn't account for was Amelia. In earlier years couldn't see me with anyone but Julia. I loved her like I never loved anyone and she was so brutally taken from me; I had no reason to live except her cause for human rights, the cause of which she was killed by my most trusted friend so I continued to work towards that not caring about my immortality in fact, I had decided to kill myself and reunite with my Julia in afterlife once humans were given their basic rights but then I saw an adorable girl clad in her nightgown in that ungodly castle. She was like a streak of light in all the darkness that mantled me. It was beyond unfair how such a gift was presented to the cruellest of all people but I intended her to be mine because honestly, she was my new and only reason to live. I wanted to enjoy life once again, with Amelia. So I made a resolution right there, once I had accomplished Julia's cause I would leave all this behind and run off to a faraway land where Amelia and I could build a quaint, joyful and a bloodless existence.

I could feel her beginning to feel uncomfortable in my arms so I let her down. "Why don't we head out to the garden for lunch," I suggested because I knew she wasn't ready for anything further even though she was almost seventeen of age, she was as innocent as they came and I didn't want to be the one to taint her but sadly, that wasn't the only reason for her hesitance, it was also because her heart still belonged to him. She shot me a small yet grateful smile before the both of us headed out for the whole afternoon until I had to leave for a meeting with a few rebel groups that were willing to help our cause. 

There was a war coming and before I wouldn't have cared if I made it out alive but now, I needed to...

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