WHERE (10)

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I was somewhat cross towards William for shouting at me for no apparent reason but all that anger had subdued due to the sublime reading session I had with him in the royal library. I remembered his oddly soothing voice reading to me and then it all went blank as I slipped into a dreamless slumber. Upon my remembrance I looked around, expecting to find myself laid on the library sofa on which William had perched me up on his lap but I was surprised when I looked around to see the all too familiar bedroom lit up with a soft glow of floor lamp that stood dauntingly at the right corner of the room.

Throwing the silk sheets that covered my body at the end of the bed I got up; I was pleased to see myself in the same floral ankle-length dress I had donned on when awake as I didn't feel comfortable at the thought of William changing me.

As soon as that thought crept into my head a subsequent image conjured up, William's face held his notorious smirk that obscurely sent my heart into overdrive whilst the lithe fingers on his right hand were hooked into the top buttons of my dress whereas his left hand held the base of my neck in a firm hold. I could almost feel the slightly cold touch of his skin on mine ...

"Damn!" I cursed as soon as I realized what exactly it was that I was doing. Dismissing the absurd image, I began walking towards the light switch and turned it own, instantly regretting the decision when the harsh, bright lights attacked my sensitive eyes. 

My gaze moved towards the window and I was bewildered to find out that it was still night! The moon hung in the midst of the dark cerulean sky whilst millions of stars were scattered around the shimmering moon. I sighed tiredly, where was William?  I thought confusedly when his disappearance registered into my mind. 

He had said he was going to have a discussion with a man named Dimitri so I presumed that he was busy doing so. I decided it was best to change out of the dress into something more comfortable if I was planning to get some more sleep. Rummaging through the clothes provided to me in the collosol closet, I found a pair of silk pyjama shorts and a loose camisole. Happy with my find I stripped before throwing on a fresh pair of undergarments and then the night suit I chose.

Subsequently, I made my way over to the bed and tried to fall asleep but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't! It was like something was missing and somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew exactly what was missing, William. Now I was completely frustrated with my pathetic pining over the man I had planned to leave; after a few more minutes of sleeplessness I began to feel hungry and as I wasn't getting sleepy anytime soon I decided it would be best to grab a bite.

Throwing off the sheets once again, I began trudging out of the bed towards the exit. I twisted the doorknob and strolled out to the kitchen, which I  thankfully remembered the path too.

I was going through the refrigerator for something to snack on when a gruff throat-clearing caused me to jump up in surprise and bump my head atop the metal hinges of the fridge. "Crap!" I murmured when the harsh throbbing began settling over my head.

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