WAIT (2)

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"Are you telling me that I can't take my own mate to MY BLOODY CASTLE !" I roared

"unfortunately sire, we can not endanger the life of our future queen. Yes we are the strongest empire but our strongest enemies are still lurking in the shadows and they are at their strongest right now; if it is found that the child in there is your mate, your enemies won't hesitate to eliminate her," replied Thomson.

"You think I can't protect my own mate; you think I'm a weakling?" I questioned furiously. No one could question my authority and if they did dare to I'd kill them; Thomson was lucky because he had been a close friend to me in the past and so I tried my best not to rip his throat out.

"No sire, everyone knows you're the strongest out there but still there will be times when you won't be around her and I'm not asking you to wait for a lifetime, just a few years and she will be right next to you. Trust me your highness!" Thomas enforced 

I was ensnared with confusion; I knew Thomson was right, I could never endanger my  precious mate's life but on the same hand, I was positively sure that now that I found her I could not live without her.

What if I left her for too long and she found someone else; I'd be shattered. I personally never wanted a mate just because I knew I'd eventually develop undying emotions for her which would ultimately lead me to my demise but as soon as I looked into her innocent, chocolate brown eyes I realized I was willing to die for her even though I had no clue who she was.

"Fine," I said curtly.

"I'm glad you saw reason sire," Thomson replied relieved.


"But?" Thomson questioned now tense.

"as soon as the child hits the age of sixteen she will be moved to the royal castle, with me," I said with an eerily calm voice.

I saw Thomson gulp before nodding in agreement; the man had known me for a while and he knew I wouldn't kill him but he also knew that I was very capable of slowly torturing him or anyone for that matter if they came in between me and my possession.

"So shall we leave sire?" Thomson asked.

"Yes, but before going I want to meet her once more," I said my mood instantly dropping at the thought of leaving my little mate behind.

"but of course sire," Thomson spoke and strolled out of the private room the both of us were in and came back with my little angel in his hands.

In an instant, a low growl involuntarily erupted from my throat when I saw another males hands on my mate. I grabbed her from Thomson's hands before dismissing him. Holding her close to my chest, I perched her on my lap taking a seat myself on one of the few sofas there.

The vampire King's young MateWhere stories live. Discover now