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Amelia gently laid a single rose near the tombstone which spelled Margo's name in a beautifully calligraphed writing. Even though it had nearly been a decade Amelia hadn't forgotten the witch's kindness and had a memorial built in her honor. She had also extended the same courtesy to all her beloved friends and peers she lost at the human nursery and visited it often, paying respect to every benevolent soul from her past.

The gentle wind swept up her unruly yet lustrous cocoa locks as the dull-gray clouds, mantling the vicinity, began morphing into a harsh ambiance as the sky turned a few shades darker and the echoing thunder roared after minutes of interval. There was a storm coming, Amelia noted before speeding towards the castle.

Passer-bys residing in her grand home for official business bowed as she glided across them with ease and confidence, the emotions she had honed after years of practice to cover her actual emotions of turmoil and timidity at the attention. She could hear his guttural murmurs as she rounded the corner to William's study. A deep groan followed by an acute giggle confirming Amelia's suspicion that he was yet again with Lilian.

A small smile crept up on her face as she recalled the day Dimitri first set his eyes on the sultry witch. The first time Amelia had been introduced to Lilian she had been a little skeptical of her overly seductive and provocative personality but the more she got to know her she realized her charm was more of a mask and inside she was just desperate for a partner, someone that would care for her, love her. Amelia also discovered that Lilian had been the one to help William locate her whereabouts so consequentially she was in debt to her. Lilian had transformed into an older sister-like character in Amelia's life after a few years, guiding her through her mating with William and her role as the queen.

Simultaneously, it had been six years since Dimitri's acceptance to the position William had offered him to oversee all human-related complications and prerogatives. Though he had given up on competing for Amelia's affection with William he had still very much been in love with the little minx. Moreover, he had come to realize that just like Julia he would never truly stop loving Amelia and he was fine with that, in fact, he relished in the fact that she still considered him a close companion and shared almost all her worries with him; he was content.

Then one day, he had come across a vermilion haired woman lurking about the royal bedroom; considering her to be a perilous assassin subsequently fearing for Amelia's safety he had captured her. Albeit initially, none had been enamored with one another, in fact, Dimitri's false impression of her disposition prompted a sense of resentment from the feisty, black-eyed woman yet once realizing that she was part of William's clan of witches and was there as per Amelia's instructions, Dimitri had approached her with a heartfelt apology.

Lilian had originally been shocked at the sheer sincerity of the vampire but eventually warmed up to him as he persistently followed her, begging for her forgiveness. It came as a slight shock to Amelia when she entered the royal bedroom, expecting Lilian inside for one of their chatting sessions but instead found her perched on Amelia's dresser as Dimitri attacked her lips with his; that had left a very scarring image in her mind which she wished to erase imminently, alas! she never really could. Upon noticing Amelia's arrival Dimitri had fervently pulled away from a whimpering Lilian. He had searched her face desperately for any sign of disapproval or hurt but upon finding none he was finally able to move on; Only laughing at Amelia's adorable scrunched up expression.

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