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"I don't understand. What exactly is a mate?" Amelia asked in a small voice.

I moved to the bed and pulled her on my lap. "well,  a mate is somewhat like a soul mate. A vampire is born with half their soul and the other half is placed inside their partners or mates in this case; So when the vampire finally meets that person their souls finally come together making them complete. It feels like you were living with a half a heart before them and everything comes together once they lay eyes on one another," I explained as best as I could.

She looked thoughtful for a moment before looking at me with an incredulous expression, "How are we mates when you are a vampire? You're lying to me, aren't you? Vampires are manipulative and hurt humans just like you're doing to me!" she claimed before running for the door.

She was just about to exit but I rushed forward and snaked my arm around her waist and pulled her into my chest. I buried my face into her neck before tipping it forward, close to her ear. 

"Does this hurt?" I whispered seductively in her ear as my arm crawled underneath her night dress and caressed the smooth skin of her thighs.

"Does this feel like manipulation to you?" I questioned and a moan escaped her throat. 

In an instant, I pulled her around so that she'd face me; My eyes settled on her slightly parted, pink lips and instinctively my thumb ran across her bottom lip and her eyes fluttered close in response.

"Stop doing this!" she breathed out; I kissed each of her eyelids, they fluttered open in response and her warm eyes peered into mine. 

"I'm not doing anything," I said truthfully. "This between us," I gestured to the small space between the both of us, "it's meant to be."

She stared at me for a few more minutes before detaching herself from me and taking a few steps back, "So I'm your mate," she mused in realization whilst I only smiled in reply.

"this bond that we share, is there some way to demolish it?" she asked after a few seconds and just like that the smile I wore faltered of my face and rage began swarming through my nerves.

How dare she even question me about something like that? I could feel my teeth elongate and my eyes darken; I was afraid I'd hurt Amelia if I didn't get any blood to calm me down. 

"There isn't any way to get rid of what we have love," I growled out before pushing her out of the way and making my way to the slave room for a little drink to calm myself.

As soon as I arrived at the slave room, I spotted one of my usual feeders and an old f*** buddy. I couldn't be bothered to remember her name so I snapped my fingers to get her attention. She spotted me almost instantly and began sauntering towards me with an extra swing to her hips.

"What would you like, Master?" she purred out and a smirk slowly crept up to my face, "Just a bite darling," with that I sank my aching teeth into her neck as she let out a pleasured moan. I continued to drink and my hands wrapped around her tiny waist as I pulled her closer. After a while of indulgence I retracted from her neck and licked her wound clean.

"Now would you perhaps want to have a little more fun?" she bit her lip giving me the clear message of what she was trying to suggest but unfortunate for her I couldn't bring myself to find her attractive; in fact, I didn't find anyone appealing anymore, not after Amelia.

"I don't think so sweetheart," I countered before leaving her and to my room where my love awaited my arrival. 

As soon as I walked through my bedroom doors I found my precious angel sobbing her heart out, curled up against the bed-post. I hurried towards her and wrapped my arms around her small frame. 

"What happened?Who hurt you? I am going to kill them!" I growled out at the thought of someone hurting my mate. After a while of silence, Amelia began pushing against my chest trying to pry me from off her.

" I want to go home," she sobbed out and that's when rage began swarming through my system.

"YOU ARE HOME!" I growled out which caused her to sob louder.

"NO!" She screamed; I wanted to hurt something or someone ever so badly but refrained myself from doing so. 

"Listen here little girl, you are mine, this is your home now and if you try to escape me there will be consequences!" I snarled viciously as my hands grabbed her shoulders in a rough hold.

She began screaming and kicking in response but it only made me angrier. I shoved her on the bed and climbed on top of her, "Like I said there will be consequences so you can comply with my wishes or suffer!" I gave her an ultimatum.

"NO!" she screamed again and that's when I lost it my hands left her shoulders and instead traveled down to her thighs, In a slow yet torturous manner my hand crept up and her sobs died down.

She shuddered in response and let out a needy moan, "do you understand?" I breathed out in her ear as a shiver ran down her spine. 

I tightened my grip on her creamy thighs to get out an answer and she nodded weakly in reply as her eyes fluttered close and she let out another moan.

 I looked at her pretty face one last time before placing a rough, scorching kiss on her plump lips and making my way out of the room leaving my sad little angel behind. I knew it was going to be hard having a young human as a mate but I didn't think it would this hard. 

I took a deep breath and stared at my bedroom door, I didn't want to force Amelia to do anything she didn't want but If she didn't give into our mate bond soon, I would have to resort to many things that wouldn't appeal to her and may even seem cruel and heartless but I had waited too long for her and now I didn't have much patience left in me.

The vampire King's young MateWhere stories live. Discover now