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I didn't know why but I felt really restless; snuggling deeper into the couch I began contemplating all that happened since the 'embracing incidence' at the pond I was so very confused about my feelings. On one hand, Dimitri was absolutely perfect, he was the type of man I envisioned as my prince when I was just a little girl but infuriatingly what I felt for William was much more intense and at this point, I was even certain that it was not only because of our bond.

I continued to remain seated and contemplated my options about both men when all of a sudden I felt the foam of the sofa on the right dip, indicating that someone joined me. I turned my head to see a solemn appearing Margo sitting upright instantly, I felt a rush of guilt swarm through me. I hadn't even bothered talking to her about what was happening plus I was fairly positive that she was still in love with Dimitri and seeing me with him must've been hell for her.

"How are you?" I inquired tentatively 

"I'm perfectly fine, I just wanted to talk to you. Look, I hope you know how lucky you are to have Dimitri. He is... He's someone you shouldn't let go of because his love is all-consuming and undeniably pure; I've only ever seen it when he used to speak about his deceased mate, Julia but many years later I've seen it once more and it's when he looks at you," she enunciated with a sad smile.

"Margo, I want you to know I never meant for Dimitri to have feelings for me and I was not at all aware of your past with him so just let me know if you still love him or want to be with him in the slightest, I promise I won't even look at him," I explained in hopes of diminishing all animosity she held towards me because honestly, she had become a good friend in the small amount of time I was here.

"But that won't stop him from looking at you; Amelia he's falling for you and I thought that was impossible..." she murmured the last part patently referring to the lack of romantic feelings she received from him during their brief relationship.

I wanted to say something, anything to comfort her but I couldn't so I didn't. A few moments of silence passed by before Margo got up, shooting me a wavering smile and walking away. Her words had left me more muddled than before; taking a deep breath I decided to take a bath to clear my mind.

I began making my way up to the first floor where my designated room was situated; I had reached the last stair when all of a sudden I was pulled around the corner. The abrupt movement led me to open my jaw to scream but a muscular hand shot forward and covered my mouth. I looked up to the insane person doing all this and wasn't all that surprised to find Dimitri.

Slowly he removed his hand, "what are you doing?" the annoyance in my tone clear as day.

"This," he whispered before smashing his lips onto mine; my eyes fluttered close as my hands snaked into his hair and I gave in to the pleasurable feeling.

A few moments passed and he gradually pulled away. "What was that for?" I asked as a small smile made its way up to my face.

"I don't really know but I feel really happy when I do that and I haven't felt happy in a long time, it feels good," he murmured before tucking a stray piece of my hair behind my ear.

I stood up on my toes in a successful attempt to reach him and planted a gentle peck on his cheek subsequently snuggling into his chest. We both remained in the same position, enjoying the silence when suddenly a harsh cry permeated the vicinity. 

"We are being ambushed from the North! We are under attack!" 

My eyes widened in horror as the realization of what was happening set in. Almost instantly Dimitri pushed me behind him and stood tall in front of me in a protective stance. "Go and hide in my room!" Dimitri growled before rushing out of my view. My heart was beating erratically and my breath was coming out in short pants as I ran the halls to Dimitri's room. Even without any confirmation, I knew who it was, William. I also knew he wouldn't leave without me and the obscure part was I wanted to see him more than anything, whether it was our bond or my own desire, I wasn't sure.

The screeching and harrowing cries wouldn't cease and it was all getting too much, the fact that people were dying as I hid in Dimitri's room like a coward, balled up in a corner, it made me feel weak and hated it plus the fact that I wanted nothing more than finding comfort in the arms of the perpetrator who was causing all this wasn't at all helping. I shut my eyes tight and tried to concentrate on shutting out the agonizing screams.

"Amelia!" a deep voice roared instantly sending a jolt of hot yearning down my spine; it was William and I couldn't stop myself anymore. Pushing my body off the floor and made my way out of the room. I was greeted with a horrifying image of bodies, blood and viscera scattered around the very hallway I had walked through this morning. Calming my trembling body I manoeuvred my way through the path, down the bloody stairs when finally I saw him. 

He stood atop a lifeless corpse with a malice-filled look in his eyes gradually his gaze drifted towards mine and suddenly everything was fine, the seemingly perpetual deaths nor the sheer devastation invaded my thoughts, just him. It had been a few months but it felt like an eternity and now that I was facing him, I wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up in his tender embrace so without a thought I launched myself into his arms. 

I could feel him release a sigh of relief above me as I snuggled into his chiselled chest, fitting in ever so perfectly. "I'm never letting you go" he whispered imminently. 

I don't want you too, I thought shamelessly because I was finally home and that was all that mattered at the moment.

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