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As the gentle wind swept up my hair I began thinking about my plan to escape, my gaze was fixated on the setting sun in front of me and it gave me a comforting feeling. I had asked William to let me out so that I could scope the area and find a safe route to decamp from. The branch I had climbed gave me a clear view of the vast grounds around me.

I recounted the way William spoke about my family and my home, it angered me to no end but I had pretended to accept his not so apologetic apology because it was all part of my scheme. I had to prove myself to be trustworthy so that William could be more lenient on me and let me have a little more freedom so that when the time is right I'd leave without further complications.

For a minute I thought about William being right, what if everyone at the human home were really dead? But as soon as the thought entered my mind I disregarded it. Even if he was right I had to make sure of it myself because, in the end, I'd be the one living with the myriad guilt if I didn't even try to look for them. There was no question, I had to do it! I had to escape!

"Please come down Amelia!" Sandra, the maid that accompanied me pleaded with a fearful voice.

This is what William does to people! I reiterated, trying to solidify my resolve. Even though he made me feel things I was pretty sure no one would ever make me feel, leaving him was the right thing to do. The few hours that I had known him for proved that he was not a good guy, he was not a hero, he wasn't the charming prince I had dreamed of, he was the cruel king I was supposed to fear yet fear was the last thing I felt around him.

Shaking my head I looked down towards Sandra, "Just a few more minutes, I promise I'll be down as soon as the sun sets," I requested and after a few moments of consideration she nodded reluctantly in reply.

I closed my eyes and breathed out clearing my head of any and every thought. I opened my eyes once more and continued to look at the breath-taking view in front of me when a loud growl startled me, "WHERE!" 

I looked down and my breath caught in my throat. There stood a furious William with his hands around Sandra's neck. His face slowly turned around and his smouldering gaze met mine all of a sudden his eyes began softening and in an instant, he was right in front of me. The branch shook slightly because of his weight.

His large, calloused hand rested on my cheek for a few moments before gently, moving a stray tress of my hair behind my ear. His other hand came in contact with my back and pulled me close, my face hurried into his rugged and muscled chest as his hand began to move up and down my spine in a comforting manner.

"What are you doing up here?" His gentle voice penetrated the otherwise silent ambience.

"Just looking at the sunset," and looking for a way to escape I added in my head.

"Well you should know that I do not permit you to such hazardous activities," he spoke in an authoritative tone which sent shivers down my spine.

"Let's get you down and inside the castle so that you can warm up, it seems as if you might catch a cold," he said referring to my prior shiver; little did he know that it was him affecting me rather than the climate.

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