WET (6)

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I couldn't believe the nerve of that man! He claimed that he loved me but treated me like I was some sort of a slave; I couldn't deny the sparks but I could try to ignore them. If he was telling the truth about being my mate I still couldn't be with him, he was much too older than me and even if surprisingly I looked past the age difference he was still a vampire and vampires are cold, ruthless creatures that can never love!

I was certain of that thus I would never love him.  Without any intention, my eyes drifted down to my thighs where once the mysterious man's large hands grasped my skin. I had never felt anything like that, granted I had never even been in close proximity to a man but still this wasn't what it felt like with any regular man, did it?

I was so confused but pushing all that aside I hopped off the bed and began assessing the room for any other exit except for the main as I knew it was locked. The room consisted of a large king-size bed that was placed in the centre with high, blackened walls, dramatic maroon curtains, and a collosol chandelier that hung from the gold-etched ceiling. The room truly was remarkable yet I couldn't find another way out but then all of a sudden my eyes landed on a large bay window.

I sighed in relief before running over to the window only to realize that if I were to jump out I would surely break all my bones as the current room in which I resided seemed to be four storeys high. 

Just how big was this place? I thought curiously. There was no way of escaping so I opted for the next best option - exploring! I began looking around once more when another door came into my view, it was relatively smaller than the door the mystery man had exited from so I concluded it to either be the closet or bathroom.

I opened the door to reveal a collosol bathroom, it had been the size of my old room! It was incredible and as soon as my eyes landed on the huge bath-tub I couldn't help but think of the relaxing feeling that I would receive from it. I looked down at my night gown to see the lace at the bottom torn and several dirt blotches near my knees. I was sure the mysterious man wouldn't mind if I took a bath, in fact, he had me trapped here the least he could do was allow me to take a bath!

So with my resolution made up, I began stripping; I had fully undressed and gotten into the tub. As the warm water engulfed my cold body I couldn't help but let out a moan. I began closing my eyes and thinking about today. I couldn't believe that I had lost the only family I had ever known. I could still hear the children's screams when we were attacked, I tried protecting them but I guess I was too late.

I tried thinking of something else but unfortunately the petrified screams of little children seemed to be forever embedded in my mind. I clutched my knees close to my chest and laid my head atop them, it had been my fault! It was my fault I couldn't save them, only if I had been faster or stronger...

Taking a deep breath I began looking through the bottles that were evidently on display next to the bath tub, my eyes almost instantly landed on a black bottle labelled as 'bubble bath', I smile slightly before grabbing the bottle and emptying most of its content into the warm water. Slowly the water began to foam and soon the bath was filled with bubbles and I relaxed inside.

I could feel myself begin to drift off when all of a sudden I could feel large hands caress my bare back, I should've been alarmed but because of the immense amount of pleasure brought by the touch and my drowsy state I didn't object. 

The hands began to slowly massage my back and I let out a soft moan, the hands stopped moving and butterfly kisses were being placed on my neck. I knew it was wrong but it felt so right! I arched my neck to give the mystery man more access, my mind couldn't comprehend the right from wrong because of the pleasure supplied from his kisses.

Abruptly, someone turned me around and I came to face the ever so handsome stranger! I didn't have any idea what to say so I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind. "What's your name?", almost instantly I felt like an utter idiot! Instead of laughing at me like I had thought he'd do he smiled gently before speaking in a husky tone, "William."

"William," I whispered and he let out a pained groan. "Are you okay?" I asked now concerned. "Say it again," he groaned, "What?" I questioned confusedly. "My name, say my name," he almost pleaded.

"William," I complied in a breathy voice. He let out a low growl, "You have no idea what you do to me," he stated before capturing my lips in a scorching kiss. He pulled away with a pained expression.

"I hope you accept our bond soon because I can't live without you and I do not intend to!" he declared before planting a soft kiss on my forehead and strolling out the bathroom leaving me breathless and confused. I had made up my mind about staying away from him but when he spoke like so, I couldn't help but want to give every single part of myself to him and when he touched me I felt complete. 

Nevertheless, I had to be strong no matter how much pleasure his presence brought me, I had to ignore it, in hopes of regaining my freedom one day. Taking a deep breath I sunk back into the slightly cooler water surrounding me but unfortunately, I couldn't get rid of William's lingering kisses. 

Disregarding the bond we had was going to be near impossible!  I thought with a dejected sigh.

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