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Gently, I swept one of the tresses of Amelia's hair back as it clung to her face; her lips were parted slightly and her chest moved up and down due to the rhythm of her breathing. I couldn't help but continue to stare at the little angel in front of me; I had continued doing so for the past thirty minutes and just couldn't bring myself to leave her.

A slow smile made its way to my face as I began thinking about my past life, the life which was carefree, no worries, with countless mistresses and nothing holding me back but as my eyes began taking in every inch of my mate's delectable body I knew I'd never been able to go back. The life I was living was incomplete but because of the little girl that lay before me, I was finally content and complete.

I was deeply engrossed in my thoughts when I heard the door creak open; in an instant, I got into a protective stance over Amelia as she continued to sleep soundly. "Your highness," Thomson's hesitant voice called out.

I relaxed and eased out of my position before making my way to Thomson who stood at the door. "what is it, Thomson?" I questioned slightly irritated with him for ruining my moment of peace.

"Your highness you have a meeting with your advisors and lord Dimitri in thirty minutes," he explained.

I sighed dejectedly before nodding in apprehension, "I'll send in the servants to get you ready?" Thomson half asked half exclaimed.

"That won't be necessary; Amelia is asleep and I do not wish for her to be disturbed. I'll get ready by myself today. I'll see you in the study Thomson," I dismissed him and walked back to Amelia.

Placing a soft kiss on her forehead I headed to the bathroom for a quick shower subsequently, I rummaged through seemingly the collosol closet of mine and pulled out a jet-black suit with my favourite combination of a blood-red tie before shrugging my attire on.

Taking one last look at Amelia I began walking to the slave quarters for a quick drink to rejuvenate myself; it had been long since my last feeding and I could feel my gums throbbing awaiting the sweet nectar that would finally quench my lasting thirst. As soon as I was in front of the door that led to my destination I could hear the light thumping of the many hearts that were pumping mouth-watering blood through their warm bodies.

I burst the door open and was delighted to see every single one of the humans lined up and ready for me to make my choice for today; I looked across the various faces when my eyes landed on a young blond, she was quite attractive but nothing compared to my angel. I curled my finger and beckoned her to come forward; an excited smile slipped up to the girl's face because of the euphoria she was about to experience. It was a known fact that feeding was pleasurable for both parties and so most humans preferred to be feeders rather than workers.

I smirked at the girl who was looking up at me with lust-filled eyes before letting my teeth elongate and bury them deep into her neck, her moans filled the room as I began taking huge gulps of her mediocre tasting blood. I could feel her heartbeat slowing down indicating that her body could not handle more blood loss but I was nowhere done so I continued drinking after a few more minutes her fragile body began trembling and then it slumped down to the floor as I took my teeth out of her neck.

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