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This is my new idea.....I'll put up chapter one if I get at least 5 votes or two comments on it....Hope you like it!


"I'm sorry Mary. You've left me with one option. I must send you to your mothers this summer." My father told me as I sat in his office.

I groaned.

"Don't dad. Please. I'll start behaving better. Please."

"No Mary. Go pack. The car to take you is on it's way here. Now." He ordered.

I got up and went to my room, slamming my door. I started throwing clothes in my duffle bag. The reason I did what I did was to get my father's attention.

You see I'm Mary Josephine. My father is a huge businessman and he's rich. Our family was never like this though.

My parents met in the country. My father was the son of a farmer and my mother the daughter of a local store owner. They fell in love, got married and moved here to Los Angles, California. Then I was born. My father got a job with this huge company and now he owns and runs it. We became rich, and my parents got divorced soon after.

All that mattered and still matters to my father is his job.

My mother moved back to the good ole state of Kentucky. She got remarried too. To a farmer.

My mother and her 5 year old son, my stepbrother, live as Amish. Amish are people that live differently then us normal people. All girls have to wear dresses and bonnets. They use horses and buggies. They don't use zippers and there's NO electricity. They're farmers. And now I was being forced to spend the next two months with people like that. I went to grab my iPod but stopped myself. I won't need it. I sighed as I heard a horn honk from outside. I grabbed my bag and walked down the stairs.

"Bye Taylor." I said as I gave our butler a hug.

He was one of my best friends even though he was in his 50's or 60's.

"Have fun. And don't get into any trouble you 17 year old delinquent."

I chuckled.

"I won't Taylor! Bye!"

He waved and I stood waiting for my father. He didn't walk outside. I started walking toward the truck that would be driving me all the way to Shipshewana, Kentucky. As I was getting in I caught sight of him standing at his big window, watching me. I waved sarcastically and he shook his head. I got in the car and slammed the door.

Maybe leaving's a good thing after all.

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