Chapter 17

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I'm sorry guys I didn't realize this chapter was liked as well. I'm sorry if you haven't been able to read this chapter. Please enjoy this chapter seventeen! Thanks!!

Chapter 17

Nothing happened. I heard the gunshot but didn't feel anything. I looked around and realized why. Just at the last second, Gabriel stepped right in front of the bullets' path.


I fell to where he now laid on the floor.

"Gabriel!!" I screamed.

Justin's laugh rang behind me and I was now seething in anger. I screamed and got up, turning around towards Justin.

"I hate you! So much! You're a coward and a liar! A thief! A jerk, a rapist and a murderer! I hope you die!" I screamed as hot tears burned down my cheeks.

He looked at me angrily but also surprised. He walked towards me but I kicked him, right in his family jewels. He wouldn't be raping any other girls for a while. He was doubled over in pain when he suddenly swung his arm up, hitting me directly in the face. I went sprawling across the floor, the pain numb from a major adrenaline rush. I turned my head to see Justin was up and advancing on me like a predator stalking his prey. I turned back around and started crawling forward, my eyes searching for anything I could use against Justin, when they landed on the gun. It must have gone flying when I kicked Justin. I grabbed it, flipped over, closed my eyes and fired. I heard a grunt and a thud. When I opened my eyes I saw that I hit Justin right in the middle of his forehead. I started hyperventilating.

"Mary!!" Will's voice yelled.

I stood up and limped towards the door.

"Call an ambulance Will!! Gabriel was shot!" I screamed.

I limped to Gabriel and sat next to him.

"Stay with me Gabriel." I begged as I grabbed his hand.

He squeezed my hand.

" gotta stop...."

I shushed him.


He entered the house and gasped.

"Will go get me some towels. Please!" I begged.

He nodded and ran off. He came back with a handful of towels and blankets. I put one underneath Gabriel and one on top of his chest where he was shot.

"What happened in here....?" Will asked.

I shook my head, not bothering to answer his question.

"Will press down on that towel." I demanded.

He did so and I took the phone from him. I dialed 911.

"Yes how may I help ya?" Mr. McGee, the sheriff, said.

"Mr. McGee its Mary Josephine. I'm at my ma's house and Gabriel was just shot. The man who killed his parents was here and he was shot. Please send some help!" I begged.

"All right Mares hold on we're on our way." He said and hung up.

The blanket that was used to cover Gabriel's wound was already soaked with his blood and I was starting to panic. I placed another one on top of it and pressed down. He sucked in a gulp of air.

"Mares..." He whispered as I heard the sirens pull into the driveway.

I looked at him, tears falling off my cheeks and landing on his face. He reached his hand up and brushed my tears away with his thumbs.

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