Chapter 14

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Sorry I haven't uploaded in forever! My life's been super busy lately and i have midterms coming up this week! Anyway hope this was worth the wait! Enjoy!

Chapter 14

"We're almost there guys." Gabriel said quietly.

I looked around at the scenery around me. We were, all five of us, walking through a little piece of woodland. I had no idea where we were exactly all looked really familiar.... I kept walking with them, my arm looped with Gray's, Will carrying the basket and Gabriel carrying Jack.

"Where are we going, exactly?" I asked.

"You'll see Mary. It's a surprise." Gabriel answered, looking back at me and winking.

I huffed.

"Don't worry miss Mary you'll like where we're goin'." Gray leaned over and whispered.

I sighed and nodded. We continued walking in silence and I looked around. The woods we were in were very beautiful and full of green and other colors. I breathed in deeply and could smell the beautiful flowers all around us. I unlooped my arm from Gray's and went up to Gabriel. He smiled and wrapped his free arm around me immediately and I smiled too.

"So this...surprise...." I trailed off.

He looked at me.

"I'll tell you all about it when we get there." He promised.

"Mary! Look!" Jack announced, pointing off the trail in between some trees.

We all looked and I gasped quietly. Standing in a tiny meadow was a family of deer. Gabriel squatted down with Jack and I joined them.

"See that one with the spots?" Gabriel whispered and pointed to it.

I looked to where he was pointing and saw a very small deer with spots lying on the ground next to another, bigger one, the doe. Jack shook his head.

"That one is the baby. And the bigger one lying with him? That's his momma."

Jack looked in amazement at the family of deer.

"Which one's that one Gabe?" He asked, pointing to the buck.

"That one's the pa. He has a huge job to do which is to protect his family. That's why he's standin' up. Cause he hears us and thinks we're a threat."

"Like a bad guy?" Jack asked.

I nodded.

"Yes bubba like a bad guy."

Gabriel looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and stood up straight.

"Come on boys. Let's go." I whispered as Gabriel stood up.

"Bye bye deer!" Jack yelled as he waved at them.

All of us laughed and continued walking. I took Gray's arm again and he nodded forward.

"So Mares I was wonderin'...." Gray trailed off shyly.

I giggled.

"Yes Gray?"

He shrugged.

"I was wonderin why him." He asked.

I gasped quietly as I looked into his eyes.

"Gray...." I trailed off sadly.

I didn't even think....

"It's okay Mares. I get it." He said quietly.

I shook my head and squeezed his arm.

"I love you Gray. As a brother that I never had. You, Will and Gabriel have been taking so much care of me for the past three weeks.....thank you. I have never had anyone this close to me,"

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