Chapter 19

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Sorry about the long wait for this chapter......and sorr it's so short....anyway....Enjoy!

Chapter 19

Mary's POV-


That's all I saw.

Darkness around me, within me, drowning me.

I felt like I was trapped with nowhere to go. I fought against the darkness.

"She's trying to wake up." A female voice said.


"Go tell everyone."

I heard someone walk away.

"Mary.....this is Dr. Brown. Can you open your eyes for me?" A male voice asked.

I fought to open my eyes. Fought hard but nothing happened.

"She's going back. Go get the boy quick!" The woman's voice yelled.

Slowly, I started giving up and I fell back into the darkness.

I felt something squeeze my hand.

"Mares." A male voice whispered.

Can I open my eyes?? My mind immediately flashed with images of Gabriel and I, Gray and Will.

"Mares it's me. Gabriel. Gray and Will are here too."

I heard Will and Gray say hi. Oh god can I open my eyes yet?!

"Mary we need you to wake up." He whispered.

The female voice whispered something to him.

"Mares...if you can hear me...tell me. Squeeze my hand back. Open your eyes. Say somethin'. Wake up Mares." He whispered.

He squeezed my hand. I squeezed back gently and he gasped.

"She squeezed my hand!"

"She'll be waking up soon then." The female voice, who I now recognized as the nurse, said.

I heard someone sniff.

"Come on Mares. Be strong babe." Gabriel whispered.

Suddenly the warmth I felt in my hand disappeared. Why did Gabriel let go?

"Boys you should get out now. When she wakes up she'll be completely drained and she won't be up to seeing anyone." The nurse said.

None of the boys said anything and I heard the door open and close. Then there was nothing except the beeps of a couple monitors. I wiggled my fingers and toes. I continued to move the rest of my body, feeling pain shoot through my stomach. Slowly, I opened my eyes. I squinted at the brightness and suddenly, one of the monitors started beeping really loud. A couple seconds later the door swung open and a young nurse about my age froze in the door way.

"Dr. Brown....!" She yelled, turning around and running out of the room.

What the heck? Soon she was back with the doctor and my nurse.

"Well it's nice to see you awake Miss Josephine." He said.

I smiled.

"It's nice to be back." I said hoarsely.

Mrs. Brown handed me a cup of water and I gulped it down.

"How ya feelin'?" He asked.

I tried to sit up and gasped in pain.

"Yeah your stomach area is going to be very sore for a while. You can go home in a day or two but you won't be able to walk for at least a week." He told me as he walked forward and propped me up with some pillows so I was in a sitting position.

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