Chapter 5

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All right....this is Chapter 5.....I don't know what you readers think but....I think I might have to stop this story....I mean no one likes it....or reads it.....*sigh* only thing is I really like writing this story....Anyway please tell me what you think I should do....? Or tell me whatt you think of this story? Please? Thanks.... And a very big thank you to Vampirelorddess!!! For being the first person to vote and comment on this story...

Chapter 5

After I left the breakfast table I went outside and sat in the rocking chair. The boys came out a little while later but didn't say anything to me. I guess they could tell I didn't wanna talk.

"Mary. Come inside. Boys go start on your chores." My mother said to us.

I got up as the boys walked off. My mom yelled to them,

"The faster you do 'em the faster you can leave! It's friday remember!!"

They walked a little quicker to the fields.

"Mary I gotta list of chores for you." My mother said.

I sighed as she read them to me.

"Milk the cow, collect eggs, muck your horses stall and feed all the animals. You can do that right?"

I smiled at my chores; easy chores.

"Yes I can."

She smiled and nodded.

"Bye mom!" I called as I walked out the door.

"Bye Mares!" She called back, using my old nickname.

I haven't been called that since I was ten. I sighed and walked over to Jazabelle, our cow. I milked her and fed her. I walked the milk into the house and gave it to my mother.

"All right come here. I'm gonna show you how to make olio." She said as she led me to the butter maker.

I smiled and watched as she showed me how to churn the milk to make it butter. When she was done she said,

"Tomorrow your doin' that."

I smiled and nodded.

"All right now go on." She urged.

I nodded and headed to the chicken cope. On my way there I stopped. Walking right past me was Grayson, shirtless.


That boy is built. Six pack included.

He saw me and a smile broke out on his face as he yelled,

"Hey Mary!"

I smiled and yelled back,

"Hiya Gray!"

I walked the rest of the way to the chicken cope.

It's really hot in here. I put my wild red hair in a messy bun and started collecting eggs. I remembered to count them and ended with a number of 47.

Dang that's alota eggs. I walked the eggs into the house.

"Forty seven eggs mom."

She turned away from her sweeping and stared at me.


I nodded.

"All righty. Mary take out 2 dozen and put them in this basket. When your done you can run them to the local market to sell."

I nodded and did as I was told. The local market! Awesome!

You see the market here works differently. From what my mom's told me in letters you take the object you wanna sell to the market and the market man will tell you about how much it's worth. Then you can keep it there and he'll sell it for you. You get all the profits. I thought it was a wonderful way to work a market.

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