Chapter 1

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All right I thought that maybe more people would like this if I added more to I've decided to put up chapter 1....please tell me what you think!! Thanks!!

Chapter 1

It's been almost a week since we left the house and I'm sitting in the passenger seat of the 4x4 truck, looking out the window silently. There were crops and farms everywhere.

We drove past a sign that read:

Welcome to Shipshewana!

I sighed.

Almost there.

I was actually a little nervous. I haven't seen my mother since I was ten. That was seven years ago. We would write letters but other than that I haven't contacted her. And now I'm being shipped off to her house.

I kept looking out the window, thinking about my mom and her new family.

Sometimes I feel like I have no one.

My father acts like I'm not there and my mom has a new family. I sighed and thought about Jack, my stepbrother. My mom sent me a picture of him in a letter. He looked so cute. This will be the first time I'm meeting him.

Suddenly the driver, Ralph, slowed down and turned into a driveway.

"Here we are." He said.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, grabbed my bag and got out.

"Thanks Ralph." I said to the man who usual drove me around.

"No problem kido. Hey have fun." He told me.

I nodded.

"Will do! Bye!"

I closed the door and he drove away. I stood there in front of the house my mother's been living in for the past seven years. It hadn't changed since the last time I'd been here. The house was still white with a second floor. There was a huge barn to the right and I heard the neigh of a horse and yelling.

I debated on whether I should ignore the yelling and go inside or see whats going on.

My curiosity won and I walked towards the noise. I entered the barn and saw three boys about my age trying to get a beautiful black stallion into a stall. They were yelling and the horse had two ropes around it's neck. I dropped my bag and ran in between them and the horse.

"What the heck! Lady you might wanna move before that horse kills you!" One of them yelled.

"Stop!!! You're hurting him!" I yelled back.

Another boy said, "No we ain't miss. He's hurtin' hisself. If he didn't struggle then he wouldn't be hurtin'."

I stared at him dumbly. I shook my head.

"Fine then. If you think you can do better then prove it." He challenged.

I turned towards the horse. He was bucking and braying like crazy.

"Shhh. It's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. Shhh." I soothed.

The boys behind me started chuckling but I ignored them.

Your probably wondering if I know what I'm doing. I don't. I'm doing this on basic instinct.

I took another step towards the horse.

"Uh miss? I wouldn't get any closer to him if I was you." The boy that challenged me said.

I ignored him and stepped closer. The horse started to calm down a little so I stepped even closer.

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