Chapter 26

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                             is chapter 26...please enjoy!! Oh! And there's Mary's dress!! ----->>>

Chapter 26

"Mary wake up!! Wake up!! Come on I'm gettin married today, wake up!!"

I jumped awake and looked around. Phoebe and Sky were standing at the end of my bed. Gabriel was missing from his spot, next to me.

"Where's Gabriel?" I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes.

"Working in the barn with Jupiter and then going to the field. You need to get up and get ready!" Sky said.

I looked at my clock. It was only 10. Wait....10?! I jumped out of bed and ran to the emergency bathroom inside the house.

"Why didn't you guys wake me up?!" I yelled through the door as I turned on the shower.

"We forgot you were sleeping! Oh and that water may be cold!" Phoebe answered.

I jumped in anyway and took a speedy shower. I wrapped a towel around my body and hair and ran to my room. I looked at my clock. 11? Holy crap! I quickly tried to get my dress out but couldn't. My hands were shaking like crazy. Suddenly the door opened and in walked Sky and Phoebe. Neither of them were dressed.

"You guys I'm gettin' married in an hour." Sky whispered.

I clapped my hands in front of her face.

"Yeah and you're not even dressed yet!" I yelled.

She jumped and her and Phoebe got the dresses from the closet while I put on some underwear and a lacy bra. It was a wedding right so why not dress up fancy? Phoebe handed me my dress and I stared at it for a moment. I laid it on my bed.

"Am I the only one that feels like they're gonna puke?" I whispered.

Phoebe and Sky stared at me for a moment and then nodded.

"Well that's great." I stated.

"Everything will be fine Mares." Sky said.

I took a deep breath, nodded and put my dress on. We all walked over to my mirror. Phoebe and I did Sky's make up first and then I did Phoebe's. For myself I just went all naturale and wore no makeup. Sky had her hair pinned back so it fell down her back in wavy curls and Phoebe had her hair the same way. Mine was similar but since I had so much hair it had to be pinned back differently. I looked at the clock just as it changed to 12. There was a knock on the door and it opened slightly. Skylar's father and mother walked in, big smiles on their faces. They are so happy for Sky and they have no problem with Gray. Which made them lucky.

"It's time." Her mother said and hugged her daughter.

She left with tears in her eyes. I smiled and while Skylar's dad talked to her I looked at myself in the mirror. My breath caught in my throat. Who is the girl staring back at me...? I wondered. She looks nothing like me....or the girl from L.A. anyway. She looks more beautiful, more peaceful, more.....happy.

"You look so beautiful." Sky and Phoebe both complimented.

I smiled.

"Thanks guys. Come on Sky. Let's go get you hitched." I said.

She smiled and looked at her father. She wrapped her arm around his and I stepped in front of them. Phoebe stepped in front of me. I heard soft music playing and then it stopped. Suddenly the wedding march started playing and Phoebe smiled and started walking out. I started getting really nervous.

"Go." Sky whispered.

I took a deep breath and walked through my bedroom door. I had to walk all the way down my hallway and to the backdoor. When I get to the backdoor my date, whoever Sky chose for me is supposed to meet me there. That's why I'm nervous. Sky told me my date wasn't Gabriel. I hope she was lying.... I got to the backdoor and before I stepped out a familiar hand grabbed mine. I was spun around and my breath caught in my throat. I stared up into the man's beautiful, serious eyes.

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