Chapter 6

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All right two things...... Number 1- Thank you so much people who voted for this story. I really like writing this one so keep the votes comin'! Number 2- I AM SO SORRY that these chapters are so short. I'll try to make them longer but I can't gurantee that.... Anyway back to the story...please enjoy chapter 6!

Chapter 6

"So.....why that horse?" I asked as we drove down the road.

He turned towards me, confused.

"I mean why isn't Mystery tryin' to beat up that horse or somethin'?" I explained.

Gabriel's cheeks went pink.

"Well miss your horse seems to have a thing for Spirit."


He chuckled. "That's her name."

I nodded.

"Who does she belong to?" I asked.

I watched as a smile broke out onto his face.

"Spirit's my horse miss."

I blushed. I looked at Mystery as he tried to scoot closer to Spirit and sighed.

We both got it, Mystery. I thought.

I could see why too. Spirit was a very beautiful white horse with orange spots all over.

We rode the rest of the way in silence. When we got into town I stuck my head out the window to look around.

There were markets and supply stores. The blacksmith. All those old fashion things. There were even some cars parked in parking lots.

He parked us outside the market and I skipped inside. Mr. M sat behind the counter reading today's newspaper. An image flashed in my mind of when I was younger. Mr. M was the same way when I was younger too, always reading.

"Hi Mr. M remember me?" I asked.

He put his paper down and looked at me carefully.

"Mary Josephine is that you?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Oh my you've grown up." He stated.

I smiled.

"My mom asked me to bring down these eggs to be sold."

He nodded thoughtfully as he looked at them.

"I'd say they're worth five cents an egg. That's how much they've been bought for recently."

I nodded.

"Will you sell them for that price then?"

He smiled at me.

"I sure will. Is there anythin' else I can do for you Mary?"

" you have any rockin' chairs or olio churns sellin'?" I asked curiously.

He nodded.

"Which one first?"

"Olio churner."

He led me to them and I picked one that looked pretty new. Then we headed to the rocking chairs.

"This one's perfect Mr. M!" I said to him.

It had two beautiful bluejays painted on it and carved into it was the saying,

Home is where the Heart is.

He smiled warmly at me. I bought it and he wrapped them for me. As I was paying for them he said quietly,

"You remind me so much of your mother. Of course you still have your father's fire. But you are a gentle creature. And this town could use someone like you to stir up some trouble. It's been pretty dead 'round here for the past eight years."

I smiled.

"Thanks Mr. M."

He waved as I walked out carrying the chair and olio churn.

"What the heck is all this about?" Gabriel asked as I put them in the back of the buggy.

"Mom's birthday's soon."

He nodded and we were about to head out when a blonde chick walked up to the buggy, to Gabriel to be more specific.

"Gabie!! I miss you! When you comin' back?" She asked in a shrilly voice.

"Never Rosie so stop askin' me." He said, annoyed.

Ah must be an ex girlfriend of his. I smiled and decided to have a little fun with this. I leaned forward, over Gabriel's lap and stuck my hand out towards Rosie.

"Hi who are you?" I asked bluntly.

She rolled her eyes and batted my hand away. Little....

"I'm Rosie. Gabriel's last girlfriend. And you are?" She asked venomously.

I smiled an evil smile and I heard Gabriel swallow.

"I'm Mary, the girl that Gabriel screws with when he's not with you."

I saw her eyes flash with rage and hatred.

"Really? That's nice to know."

I smiled.

"Well we better get goin'. Got plenty a' things to do if ya know her I mean." I said, winking at her.

She clenched her jaw and Gabriel moved the buggy. I leaned out the window.

"Nice to meet ya!" I yelled and waved.

I sat back in my seat, laughing quietly to myself.

"What was that for?" Gabriel yelled suddenly.

I jumped and looked at him, shocked.

"Well I thought you wanted her away from you so I just-"

He interrupted me by laughing.

"That was amazing! Where'd you learn that from?" He asked.

I stared at him and he looked at me. My breath caught in my throat when I saw his green eyes sparkling with happiness. I've never seen them like that....

"Mary you okay?" Gabriel asked, sounding worried.

"Um...yeah. Just got a lot on my mind that's all." I answered.

He sighed.

"Why are you like this?" He asked.

"Like what?"

I was totally confused.

"Like you are now. You'll be havin' a bunch of fun and then when someone tries to get to know you, you close up." He said seriously.

I snorted. "I do not 'close up'."

"Yeah ya do. Why?" He whispered.

I shook my head.

"Doesn't matter." I mumbled.

We stopped and I realized we were at the house. He turned towards me.

"Don't tell me that Mary because you know it does. Tell me Mary please. I wanna help you." He whispered.

"No!" I yelled as I jumped out of the buggy.

He stared at me.

"No one can do anything about it Gabriel. It's too late. I'm sorry." I whispered as tears started falling down my face.

He started moving out of the buggy.

I ran towards the barn.


I kept running. Inside the barn, I climbed up the ladder that led to the loft. When I got up there I found a string that was hidden behind a wooden plank and pulled on it, revealing a secret staircase. I climbed up it, pressing a button to close the door and ran into the corner and cried.

So....why don't you think she won't let him in? Do you think she should let him in or no? You'll find out....eventually. Anywho please vote, fan and comment. Thanks!

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