Chapter 20

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Chapter 20!! Woot woot!! *fist pump* I've finally recovered and rewritten all those chapters I erased by against last year for this story! Anyway.....please enjoy this NEW chapter 20! And don't forget to vote, fan and comment! P.S. I added a lovely surprise for those of you who read this story at the end of this chapter :) Enjoy!

Chapter 20

I woke up screaming. I looked around and saw that the room was dark and no one was in here. Where did Gabriel go? Tears were streaming down my face and my breath was coming in pants. The machine that monitored my heart beat was beeping like crazy.

"Mary? What's goin' on?" Gabriel's voice asked.

Suddenly a small lamp was turned on and there he was. I stared at him and then sobbed. He ran over to me and got on the bed, laying right next to where I lay now. He wiped my tears away.

"What's wrong baby?" He whispered.

I sobbed and closed my eyes, shaking my head.

"Mary what's wrong?" He whispered.

I scooted closer to him.

"Justin, he came and he.....he...."

I sobbed and buried my head in his chest.

"Oh." He whispered.

He snaked his arms around me and held me to him tightly.

"It's okay Mares. It was just a bad dream. It'll all go away in a minute." He whispered.

I sniffed and snuggled closer to him. My breathing slowed down a little and I sighed. He moved back a little and stared at me

. "What happened?" He whispered, wiping away my tears.

"Justin." I whispered.

I didn't say more. I couldn't. He bit his lip and I saw anger flash in his eyes. He pulled me closer to him and wiped my tears away.

"He's gone Mares. I promise him, or Damien or anyone else will never come after you again. They'll have to go through me, Will and Gray." He whispered.

I sighed and nodded.

"Come on now. Get some sleep." He whispered.

I sniffed and turned over so I was laying on my back. He was still laying on the bed next to me and I scooted over so I was right next to him. He turned on his side and wrapped an arm around me.

"Will you stay here until I fall asleep?" I whispered.

I turned my head and found him staring at me.

"Yes." He whispered.

I leaned forward and kissed him gently.

"I love you Mary." He whispered as he leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too." I whispered.

He smiled and I smiled back before turning and snuggling into his side. Within minutes, I was asleep.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of birds chirping. Wait, what? I opened my eyes and looked around. Gabriel wasn't sitting next to me. I looked towards the window and saw him sitting there, the window wide open. There was a small chickadee sitting on the window ledge and I gasped. I love chickadees.

"Morning beautiful. You got yourself a visitor." Gabriel said, turning around with the bird in his hands.

He walked over to the bed carefully and set the bird on my bed. I gasped when I saw it was only a baby and one of its wings was broke.

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