Chapter 22

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Sorry I haven't been uploading this recently! Anyway here's chapter 22! Enjoy!! Oh and you may need to reread this!! The first part of this story didn't show up for some reason when I posted it it is!! Enjoy!!

Chapter 22

I was shocked. Totally shocked at the sight in front of me. My room wasn't my room anymore. was but....wasn't. My old bed:


My old dresser:

also gone.

All the pink, girly stuff was gone. My room now was a beautiful blue color with a purple mixed in. On one wall there was a beautiful sun, setting. And then the fourth wall was a wall of glass. It looked over the field and the little meadow where the tire swing was and the trail to get to Gabriel's old house. I stared at my room in awe. I had a new, double sized bed, a new dresser, new everything. He carried me into my room and set me down on the bed gently. Then he pulled up a chair next to the bed.

"What happened in here...?" I asked quietly.

"Someone thought that since you had so many bad memories in this here room, that maybe it should change." He answered.

I didn't say anything. I just looked around at everything.

"Do you like it?" He whispered.

I looked at him.

"You did this?" I asked.

He nodded and I smiled.

"It's amazing. Did you paint that?" I asked, pointing at the sun setting.

"No, Gray did. He's the artist. I was the person who picked out what your room should look like and stuff though."

I smiled.

"I love it. It's so beautiful." I whispered.

He smiled.

"I'm glad ya like it miss."

I grabbed ahold if his collar and pulled his face forward so it was inches from mine.

"Not like. Love." I whispered and pressed my lips to his.

He smiled against my lips and I pulled away.

"You're welcome." He whispered.

I smiled.

"Gabriel!!" Pa yelled.

He sighed and stood up. I grabbed his hand before he left.

"Don't leave." I whispered.

He looked at me painfully.


"Please." I begged as fear coursed through my veins.

He looked at the door and then back at me. I let go of his hand and he walked to the door and closed it. He walked back over to the bed and gently got on it. He laid down next to me and turned his head. We stared into each other's eyes. He slowly wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him. I rested my head on his chest, putting my hand over his heart. Slowly, I fell asleep to the sound of his heart.

"Mary. Wake up." A voice whispered as they shook me slightly.

I moaned and opened my eyes. I looked up a little and saw Gabriel smile down at me.

"Howdy." He whispered.

I smiled.

"Hi." I whispered back.

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