Chapter 9

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Okay this is an update.....yes a chapter.....i know...SHOCKING!! I'm sorry I couldn't update sooner. I'll try to update more. But no promises. I can promise you that I will try though. And maybe.....I'll start a new story!! Maybe....I've got a new inspiration hehe but anyway....I'll let ya know if that happens. Anywho...please enjoy this chapter....And i'll try to update sooner....Thank you for being so patient!!

Chapter 9

After a while I started drifting off on Gabriel's chest. He chuckled.

"Come on." He whispered.

I opened my eyes slightly as I felt myself being lifted off the ground. My body went into panic mode and I started squirming.

"Mary! Calm down it's only me!" Gabriel said.

I stopped and turned in his arms. I slowly relaxed.

"Sorry." I mumbled sleepily. My body was still on the edge but it was slowly relaxing.

"What....was that exactly?" He asked.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

"I don't know. Me freaking out." I whispered.

He sighed and walked up the back porch steps. I heard the door open and next thing I knew I was placed on something soft. I opened my eyes to find myself in my room, Gabriel's retreating back in my line of sight.

"Gabriel." I whispered.

He stopped and turned around.

"Thought you were asleep miss." He whispered.

I shook my head and stared at him, asking him a question with my eyes. Stay..... I was asking him.

"Miss Mary-"

"Please?" I whispered.

He sighed and put up his pointer finger, and ran out of the room.

After tonight I didn't want to sleep by myself.

I got up and changed into a pair of boy shorts and a long sleeved shirt and climbed under my covers. He came back in, wearing boxers and a tank top.

Whoa, normal clothing.

He sat on my bed slowly but didn't move anywhere else. He was sitting right on the edge and I smiled a little.

"It's all right Gabriel." I whispered slowly.

He turned towards me and slowly laid down next to me.

"If we get caught, I'm dead meat." He whispered.

I giggled.

Wait what? I don't giggle.

I bit my lip.

"Don't worry cowboy I'll cover for ya." I whispered back.

He smiled at the nickname cowboy. I looked towards him at the same time he looked over at me. He smiled a crooked smile and my heart stopped.

That smile was.....breathtaking.

I smiled back. I felt his hand touch mine and he intertwined our fingers. We smiled a little bigger and then he looked at my ceiling.

"Mary. What did you say this guys name was again?" He whispered.

I watched him carefully. Why would he be asking that?

"His name's Justin. Justin Devon."

When I said his full name Gabriel shot up. He hit his forehead with the palm of his free hand.

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