Chapter 11

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All right like I's chapter 11 for Two Worlds. Hope it was worth the wait....and thanks for waiting too! Love you guys!! P.S. ------------> There's the necklace that Mary and Jack choose for their momma :D

Chapter 11

We pulled into the first empty spot at the market. I picked Jack up from the spot in between Gabriel and I and got out of the carriage.

"Come on then."

Gabriel got out and grabbed my free hand, intertwining his fingers with mine. I smiled and when I glanced at him, he was smiling too. We walked into the market like that where Mr. M was reading his newspaper just like every day. I smiled.

"Howdy Mr. M!" I greeted.

He smiled and, without even setting his newspaper down, greeted me back.

"Howdy Mary, Gabriel."

We smiled.

"What about me Mr. M?" Jack spoke up.

Mr. M put his newspaper down.

"Jack. Whatch you doin' here in town like a big boy?"

Jack smiled and puffed his chest out a little making me giggle.

"I'm here to help sissy sell the eggs."

Mr. M nodded.

"How many ya got this time Mares?"

I smiled and set the basket on the table.

"Forty Mr. M."

He whistled.

"Those chickens of yours haven't been layin' like this ever since you left. Obviously they know someone with a good heart."

I blushed a bright red at that statement.

"Can you sell 'em for us?"

He nodded. "Yes'm."

I nodded and turned around, walking through the store with Jack. Gabriel and Mr. M were having a conversation about something while I showed Jack around the store.

"Mary can we get momma something nice?"

I smiled at Jack's question.

"Yes Jack. What should we get her?" I asked quietly.

"How 'bout a perty necklace?" He whispered.

I nodded.

"A good luck charm?"

He nodded. I smiled and walked up to the counter that Mr. M was sitting behind.

"Mr. M can Jacky and I look at you necklaces?"

Mr. M looked at us curiously and nodded, leading us to a table across the store. Underneath it was a bunch of beautiful necklaces, rings, bracelets and earrings.

"Look at that one sissy." Jack whispered as he pointed to one.

I smiled.

"It's pretty Jack but it's not something momma would wear."

He nodded.

"What 'bout that one?"

I looked to the huge diamond necklace he was pointing at and shook my head no.

"What about this one miss?"

Jack and I both looked towards Gabriel who was pointing at the glass. I walked over there and gasped at the necklace Gabriel was pointing at. It was beautiful and simple. It had a gold chain and a small blue lifesaver. Actually it was a piece of jade but I call them lifesavers. I have one. It's my good luck charm. This one was just a little different than mine though. It was alot more thinner then mine.

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