Chapter 7

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I'm sorry for two things: One- That these chapters are so short....maybe I should put this story under the short story category...what do you think? And Two- That I haven't updated this story. I accidently erased all the chapters I had written for this story and now I have to rewrite them. Which sucks because I had like twenty chapters written for this story and now they're gone! Anyway please vote, fan and comment. You know the same thing I always ask. Oh and please enjoy this new rewritten chapter 7. Haha thanks!

Chapter 7

I've been up here for a week.

I went down on Saturday for my moms birthday but other then that I've been up here.

I can't go down there.

Not with Gabriel.

I can't let him in.

And when he's always watching....always trying to figure me out.....

I closed my eyes and an image of Justin filled my mind.


My eyes flew open as tears stared streaming down my cheeks. I heard a bang and jumped.

"Mary!" Pa's voice yelled.

I whimpered. I heard another bang as the secret staircase fell to the ground of the loft and then his footsteps.

Yeah he knows about this place because he built it....

His head popped up and soon did the rest of him.

"Mary this has gotta stop." He said as he tried to catch his breath.

I didn't answer him.

"What is it? Why are you like this? Let me try to help you."

I shook my head and he stepped towards me. I cowered into the corner more and he stopped.

"You can't help. No one can." I whispered.

He dropped his hand and stared at me.

"Is it one of the boys?" He asked quietly.

I didn't answer. Instead I looked at the wall.

"It's Gabriel....all right I'll fire 'em."

I gasped at him.

"No don't do that!" I said.

He looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Mary if that's what it takes for this to stop then that's what I'll do. This needs to end. Your mother's worried sick about you. Your brother's been cryin' his baby blue eyes out and the boys are depressed. They need you."

I couldn't help but smile a little.

"When will it stop?" He whispered.

My smile fell and I looked at him.

"Soon. I promise." I whispered.

He nodded and turned around, leaving me alone. I closed my eyes and the same image of Justin filled my mind. I opened my eyes and balled my hands into fists.

Why did I have to meet him?

Why me?

I closed my eyes and the same image filled my brain and covered my eyelids. I felt tears stream down my face as a video of what he did to me played out in my mind. I screamed loudly and pounded my fist against the wall.

My eyes popped open and I screamed again but louder.

I let out all my anger.


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