Chapter 25

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Hey guys! Im able to upload today!! I can only upload for the next three days so.....anyway please enjoy this chapter!! Thanks! And please vote, fan and comment! Oh and there's a picture of Sky's wedding dress! ------->>> (I forgot to put it up with that last chapter!)

Chapter 25

"Mary wake up." Gabriel whispered.

I moaned quietly and slowly opened my eyes. I looked around and saw we were now on a road.

"Where are we?" I asked.

He chuckled.

"We're almost there. Don'tcha worry miss. You're in good....arms."

I giggled at his joke.

"I will tellya that we're almost there. Only bout five more minutes."

I nodded and yawned, stretching as far as I could with him still carrying me. I looked at the sun. It was low in the sky, close to setting.

"What time is it?" I asked.

He looked up at the sun.

"Six." He answered.

I looked up at him.

"You can tell that from the sun?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Dependin' on the angle of the sun, yes."

"Wow.....I mean I knew it was possible I just never met anyone who could...." Gabriel smiled down at me.

"I bet your father knows how." He said quietly.

I shook my head and snorted.

"I highly doubt that."

His eyebrow shot up.

"Why's that?" He asked.

"Well....ever since my parents got divorced, my dad doesn't mention anything from out here when he was younger. Ever. I don't even know how my mom and dad first met." I whispered.

He didn't say anything for a moment.

"I know my parents story." He said quietly as he turned off the road.

I looked around as he walked onto a field and up a hill.

"What is it?" I asked him.

He smiled and walked up the hill quickly. The sun was setting now. He placed me on my feet and laid out a blanket. He sat down and patted the spot next to him. I sat there and looked out. My breath caught in my throat. The view was so beautiful. I could see the woods and the field, a river, houses, the town in the distance.

"Gabriel....." I whispered.

He scooted behind me so he had a leg on each side of me and wrapped his arms around my waist. The sun was setting just above the tree line and it was so beautiful.

"I told ya you'd like it." He whispered.

I smiled.

"It's so beautiful." I whispered.

He nodded.

"I was thinkin' bout where I should bring you for your birthday and this place instantly popped in my head." He whispered.

I tangled my fingers in his and we watched the sunset together in comfortable silence. By the time the sun was down we were laying on the blanket, staring at the stars in the sky.

"So why did you think of this place?" I asked quietly, turning my head slightly.

He sat up and looked out over the land.

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