Chapter 27

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Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't updated this story in awhile but seeing as how not very many people are reading this story it's updates are on the bottom of my updating list's chapter 27! It's really the way there are only about....three more chapters after this one until the end of this story. Anywhooo enjoy chapter 27!! Thanks!

Chapter 27

After about an hour of dancing and congratulating, people started leaving. At around ten at night Sky and Gray were already changed out of their wedding clothes. They had everything packed for their honeymoon which was a surprise. No one knew where they were going except the boys. I walked up to Sky. She was talking to Gray and his family.

"Excuse me woman but I believe there's one person you didn't dance with yet." I said.

She stared at me confused and I grabbed her hand, pulling her onto the dance floor.

"Who?" She asked.

"Me duh!"

I ran over to Phoebe and pulled her away from Will, taking off my heels too.

"And you too!" I said.

They smiled and I looked over at the DJ. He nodded at me and played Country Girl by Luke Bryan. All three of us started dancing and singing the words. People were staring at us like we were the biggest weirdos but I didn't care. If this was going to be my last night with my best friends I was gonna enjoy it. After the song ended, people were clapping all around us. That's when all three of us went red from embarrassment. I shrugged and hugged both of them.

"I love y'all and I'm gonna miss both of ya so much." I said.

They hugged me back. Just then people started hollering. We looked towards the noise. The boys walked up to us and Gray said,

"honeymoon car's here."

Sky looked from Phoebe and I to her parents. She went over to her parents and hugged them goodbye then went over to Gabriel and Will. While she was doing that Gray came over to me. He hugged me tightly.

"Bye Mares." He whispered.

I hugged him tightly.

"You take carea yourself ya hear? And take carea Sky too."

He pulled away and nodded.

"I will."

I kissed him on the cheek.

"Bye Gray."

He got in the car. Sky went over to Phoebe.

"See you soon Phoebe." She said and then came over to me.

My eyes welled with tears. We stared at each other for a moment before we attacked each other.

"Call me as soon as you get home." She whispered.

I nodded.

"And you call me and tell me everything." I whispered back.

She nodded and we pulled back.

"Bye Lily." She whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek.

A tear rolled down my own.

"Bye Sky!" I yelled right before she ducked into the car and they were gone.

I wiped my face and sighed. People were gone now and I saw my mom with pa and Jack. My dad was talking to Phoebe and Will and Gabriel....

I turned around in a circle but didn't see him anywhere. I walked into the house and was yanked into the kitchen. I looked up and saw Gabriel standing there. He smiled.

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