Chapter 16

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Well I've been writing this story and ONLY this story for the past...week. Haha Anywho....Im gonna apologize upfront.....Im sorry these chapters are so short....I should make this story a short story...anyway here's chapter 16! And I'll make a deal....I'll upload chapter 17 within the next two days if i can get five votes or more....on any of my stories! OR! Someone comments on Uncaged Wolf; Untamed Witch. I really wanna know what people think about that story so if you haven't read it.....go check it out? Anyway enjoy!! P.S. Surprise POV in this chapter!

Chapter 16

"Hello Mary. I missed you." That familiar, evil voice said.

A shiver ran up my spine and I got closer to Gabriel's back, hiding from him. I looked over Gabriel's shoulder just in time to see Justin and Damien walk into the house.

"Justin." Gabriel spat through clenched teeth.

Justin's eyes widened.

"Gabriel Thomas is that you?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Wow you've grown so big! I never thought I'd see the day! Who would've thought I'd find you here of all places? Now I get to finish two jobs at the same time!"

I glared at Justin as the hatred for him slowly started to appear.

"Now angel if you'll just come over here. I don't wanna get his blood all over you when I kill him." Justin said as he looked at me.

I stepped out from behind Gabriel.

"You're not going to kill him Justin." I said.

He laughed and looked at Damien.

"Well, what have we here...? What happened to the little girl I once knew?" He asked as he stepped up to me so his face was inches from mine.

I held my hand out so Gabriel didn't move. Justin didn't move away so I spit in his face.

"You bitch!" He yelled and I hit the floor with a thud.

I could feel a major sting on my cheek and could feel hot, fresh tears stream down my cheeks. Gabriel ran to me.

"Mares are you okay..?" Gabriel asked.

I nodded and slowly got back onto my feet.

"Oh got the hots for my girl Gabriel? that's why you kept rejecting my sister. Rosie's a genius by the way. And you,"

he looked from Gabriel to me.

"You're gonna need to be retrained after I kill him aren't you?"

I glared at him.

"No because I am not going anywhere with you!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

He glared at me and grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling me towards him.

"What was that?" He asked humorly.

"I am not going anywhere with you." I repeated acidly.

He sucked in some air.

"Watch him. I need to go put this bitch in her place before she gets too out of hand." He growled at Damien.

Damien smiled and nodded, pulling out a gun and pointing it a Gabriel.

"If he moves, shoot him." Justin commanded as he started dragging me towards my room.

I shook my head.

"!" I yelled as I fought against him.

I somehow got away from his grasp and started crawling towards Gabriel. Suddenly there was this searing pain in my side and the wind was completely knocked out of me.

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