Chapter 4

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Enjoy chapter 4!!

Chapter 4

"Okay okay it's my turn to ask questions." I said.

He chuckled.


"What's your favorite color?"

He shrugged.

"Don't got one."

I bounced where I was sitting. It's been about an hour since Gabriel first started asking me questions and about halfway through his questions I moved to sit next to him. Which is where we are now, sitting on the steps of the front porch.

"Everyone has one. Come on." I urged, still bouncing.

He sighed.

"I like the color purple. Not like a crayon like.....a purple thunder cloud. That mixture of black and purple is.....amazin'."

I had to agree.

"How old are you?"

He smiled.


I nodded.

"What's your middle name?" I asked.

"Samuel." He replied.

"Where's your family?" I asked.

His body stiffened.

"That's a personal question and I'm not answerin' it." He said as he got up.

What did I do?

"Hey I'm sorry. If you don't wanna tell me then don't I was just askin'."

He looked down and stared into my eyes.

"Sorry I snapped at you Mary. We better get some rest. We gotta wake up bright and early." He said quietly, changing the subject.

I sighed and got up.

"Kay. Night." I said briskly as I walked quickly to my room.

I made it all the way into the living before I was grabbed by someone and pulled back. I tensed as they spun me around and I was face to face with Gabriel. We were so close I could feel his breath blowing across my face.

"Night Mary." He whispered.

I stared into his eyes as he stared into mine and I felt something stir inside of me. Something I haven't felt in a long time.

I gulped the fear in my throat down and whispered,

"Night Gabriel."

He leaned forward and I froze. He kissed me on the cheek and pulled away quickly.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done-"

I stopped his words by putting my index finger against his lips.

"Sweet dreams Gabriel. Night." I whispered and turned around, walking to my room in a daze.

I fell asleep thinking about the feel of his lips against my skin.


I woke up to the sound of a rooster. Looking over at my clock, I groaned. Uh it's only....five in the morning!!! Thats too early!! There was a knock on my door.

"Mary? Time to get up!!" My mother yelled through the door.

"Mooooommmm." I groaned.

She laughed and left. I stayed where I was in bed and thought about last night. Gabriel kissed me on the cheek. Why?

I sighed as fear gripped ahold of me. The last time I ever loved or even liked someone other than my family was.....


Just thinking about him brings back so many bad memories. How I fell for him, I'm not sure.

I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to go back to sleep, when someone burst through my door and dumped freezing cold water all over me. I screamed and shot up to see Gabriel standing at the end of my bed with a bucket and Gray and Will laughing next to him. Gabe had a small smile on his face.

"MOM!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. The boys just laughed at me.

"You're dead!!" I yelled as I shot out of bed and ran outside.

I grabbed the biggest bucket I could find, quickly filled it up and hid right outside the back doorway.

I heard them coming and when they were walking out the door I threw water on all three of them. They all stared at me with wide eyes as I laughed evilly. I could feel someone's stare as I laughed. I knew that it would be Gabriel's electric green eyes I would find watching me. I looked at all three of them and Gabriel said,

"It's on!"

All three of them ran to find a bucket. Gabriel was filling his up and I ran over to do the same. Gabriel went to go dump water on me but I quickly ducked so it went flying over my head and hit Gray right in the face.

He stood there looking at Gabriel, and I couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped. They both looked at me and I was about to explain why I was laughing but cold water was dumped on me from behind. I gasped as the cold water ran down my back and into my sweats.

"This water is c-c-cold!!" I stuttered.

The boys laughed.

"No it ain't miss." Grayson said to me.

My teeth started to chatter as I shivered. Will laughed.

"Why your so cold your lips are blue!"

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"All righty boys I'm goin' inside. I'm hungry."

The boys chuckled at me as I walked to my room. I changed into jeans and a baggy t-shirt then walked out to the kitchen table, sat down and dug in.

"Slow down Mary you eat like your gonna die tomorrow." My mother told me.

I slowed down a little.

"Well ya never know when your last meal is gonna be." I said without thinking.

The boys stopped eating and stared at me. I looked down at my plate.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have said that." I whispered as I got up from the table and went outside.

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