Chapter 24

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Hey guys!! Here's an update! I'm sorry I haven't been updating lately! I've been super busy with finals and family and applying at the local college and all this other stuff! I'll update more when school gets out I promise! Anyway, enjoy this chapter guys! Thanks!!

Chapter 24

Bang!! I jumped but didn't get very far. I opened my eyes slowly but didn't see much. Why? Because Gabriel was on top of me.

"Gabriel?" I whispered.

"Hm?" He groaned.

I giggled.

"Your um...on top of me." I whispered.

His head shot up and he looked around then he looked at me. He smiled.

"Good mornin'." He whispered, pecking me on the lips.

I smiled against his lips.

"Hey man you comfy?" Will asked suddenly appearing next to my bed.

Gabriel nodded.


My face heated up. Gabriel was literally all over me. His whole body covered mine. His legs were tangled with mine and his head was laying on my stomach. I started tangling my fingers in his hair.

"Well when ya'll gettin' up? We need help with Jupiter. He won't listen." Will said.

I smiled.

"Like father like son." I stated simply.

Will rolled his eyes. Gabriel sighed making Will chuckle.

"All right I'll leave you two alone and happy birthday miss Mary." Will said walking out.

I sighed as Gabriel sat up, pulling me with him.

"Today's gonna stink." I said simply.

Gabriel looked at me weirdly.

"Why?" He asked as he stood up.

I stood up and stretched. I could feel his eyes watching me and giggled.

"Because today's my birthday." I said with a shrug.

"I don't understand why-"

I cut him off.

"Justin." I said quietly.

He stared at me, understanding dawning in his eyes.

"He's gone Mary. He won't be coming for you ever again." He whispered as he grabbed ahold of my tank top and pulled me into a hug.

"I know." I whispered.

He kissed my forehead.

"All right. I better go help Will." He whispered.

Just then Sky came into the room.

"Happy birthday! Oh and we need some help with decorations......"

She stopped talking when she saw Gabriel. I sighed.

"All right be right there." I said reluctantly.

She nodded slowly and left.

"Well I better go help Sky." I said.

He smiled.

"Meet me by the usual for lunch?"

I nodded and he leaned down, kissing me gently.

"See you at noon." He said as he walked out before he couldn't.

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