Chapter 12

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Hello wattpadders! Sorry I haven't update since last week has been extremely crazy and my cousin is in the hospital and its just crazy! Please keep him in your prayers, please. And this also took long because its longer than the other chapters. I figured I owe you guys a longer chapter for the wait. Anyway enough of my chit chat! Please Enjoy!

Chapter 12

I took a huge breath as I tried to calm down. My brain had completely processed what had happened in town by the time we pulled up to the house. Gabriel had told me he had no clue that Rosie was Justin's sister. He had never met him and had never known.....but that's how Justin did it. That's what Gabriel and I were talking about now. After we pulled up to the house we put the horses in the stable and I took Jack into the house letting him play with his Legos. Gabriel and I went straight up to the attic where my little hideout was. We sat there in silence for almost ten minutes until I spazed out.

"Gabriel what if he's back? What if she knows who I am?"

I kept asking those same questions over and over again. Finally, he somehow got me in a corner and managed to calm me down.

"Mary. He's not here." He said firmly.

I shook my head as tears started falling down my face.

"You don't know that Gabriel. You don't." I whispered.

He sighed and looked down.

"Look...let's....figure this thing out first." He stated.

I slid to the ground and nodded multiple times. It didn't feel like it though. I felt numb. Cold.

"Okay so....." He trailed off.

"You were friends and Rosie's boyfriend when you two were younger. I'm guessing she went to your house before?" I asked, not looking at his face because I already knew his answer.

He nodded anyways.

"So she met your parents, then she went to her brother and then....."

"Then he came to my house when I wasn't there and killed my parents in cold blood." He finished.

I slowly nodded.

"Then he followed me here....wantin' to finish my whole family off but then he heard your Ma reading one of your letters and so he went to go find you."

I started chewing on my lip.

"He acted like the nice guy you first met but he was really a little slimy murderer." Gabriel finished.

"And now?" I whispered.

Gabriel looked at me and then, scooted over, picking me up and setting me in his lap.

"And now we're gonna play this all by ear. Mary.....if he is back then you're not to go anywhere, and I mean anywhere, alone. Either me, Gray or Will, will be by your side do you understand?"

I nodded; wondering if that would stop Justin from doing anything. It should...

"Mary! Gabriel! Dinner!"

I sighed and looked up at Gabriel.

"It'll be okay Mares."

He leaned down and pecked me on the lips gently.

"Don't worry miss." He whispered.

Before I could answer he stood up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Gabriel put me down!" I yelled.

He laughed.

"Heck no miss! You're stuck!"

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