Chapter 29

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hey everyone guess what??! This is the LAST CHAPTER FOR THIS STORY!! I hope you guys really enjoyed this story. I had fun writing this story!! I am sad that this is te last chapter is. Anyway don't forget to vote, fan and comment guys! Thanks!!

Chapter 29

*3 Months Later*

Today is the three month mark of....the new chapter of my life. It's three months to the day of when I left the love of my life and my whole family. Every single day has been the exact same routine. I would wake up every morning, my eyes red and puffy from crying and get dressed in random clothes. Then all day I just float around the house, hardly living. I didn't know what to do with my life because I had no purpose. Then at ten every night I'd call everyone and talk to Gabriel. Then after we hung up I'd go into my room, change into one of his shirts and cry myself to sleep.

My nightmares came back too.

So I hardly get any sleep. Then last month is when things changed for the big time. School had started and I had to finish my senior year. One day while at school I got seriously sick, not being able to hold down anything. I ended up coming home. My father was worried about me and even decided to take care of me himself. A doctor came to the house and she gave me a paper. They knew I didn't have the flu so the paper she handed me was a list of the possible things that could cause me to feel like this.

At the very top-


When I called Gabriel that night I told him how I've been feeling and he told me to get a test done immediately. I did so and the test came back positive. Once my father found that out he forbid me from even calling Gabriel. After that I started writing letters to him. Every time he asked in a letter if I was pregnant I would ignore it. It doesn't matter because he can't do anything.

Right now I just got off the school bus. Yes since I'm pregnant I've decided against driving and anything else that could harm the baby. I walked up the steps and into the house. Recently I've been better than normal. I smile more often than the first two months of being here. I mean at least I'm pregnant with Gabriel's child and not Justin's. When I walked in the house my father was standing there. I was a little shocked because when I come home from school he's normally in his office.

"Hello Mary. I was wondering if you wanted to go out for some ice cream or something." He asked.

I stared at him curiously.

"What's the special occasion?" I asked carefully.

He shrugged.

"No occasion. Just wanna spend some time with my daughter."

I nodded slowly and he slung his arm around my shoulders and guided me towards the car.

"Wanna drive?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"No I'm not driving because of the baby dad." I answered.

He stiffened and nodded.

"Oh yes, right."

We both got in the car and drove in silence. When we got out it was at my favorite place. I ordered my usual and he got the same. When we got our ice cream, we went and sat down and started eating.

"So Mary....have you thought about your options?" My dad asked suddenly.

"What options?" I asked, confused.

"For the baby." He stated.

My eyes widened.

"What are you sayin'?" I whispered.

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