Chapter 18

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All right everyone! IMPORTANT!! ~ My Computer Crashed And Ive Been Working To Get My Stories Back! I Managed To Write This But I Dont Know What Story I'll Upload Next Or When! I'll Try To Upload ASAP But No Promises But Thank You All For Being So Patient And Understanding! I Really Appreciate It! Hope You Enjoy Chapter 18!

Chapter 18

The doctor walked us back to the room.

"Y'all stay here. A nurse will be here soon to take you to get your CT done." He told us and left.

I was shaking. The boys were sitting in some chairs that were next to the bed and I was on the bed.

"Guys." I whispered.

They both looked at me.

"I'm scared." I whispered.

They both got up and gathered me in their arms. It hurt but I didn't complain. All three of us just sat there hugging. Someone cleared their throat and we jumped. The boys pulled away and sat back in their seats. A lady came up to me and reached her hand out. I reached mine to shake hers when I actually saw my arm. I gasped. My hand and wrist was swollen. It was all red and purple.

"Nice hand. Most likely broken. We should fix that." The nurse said.

I grimaced.

"I didn't even notice. I am in so much pain I honestly don't think I would have noticed unless I saw it." I told her.

She nodded.

"Let's get you fixed up Miss Josephine. You can call me Mrs. Brown. I'm your doctor's wife." She informed us.

I nodded. She handed me a cup of water and walked to one of the cupboards in the room. She grabbed a bottle and one of those medicine cups. She handed me the medicine.

"Take that. It should help the pain and then we'll wrap up that arm, get your CT done and then get some x-rays. Then we'll come back here, hook you up to an IV and a heart monitor and wait for the results."

I swallowed hard and nodded. I took the medicine and shuddered. It was nasty! I gulped down the water and took a deep breath. She walked forward and wrapped my arm in an ace bandage with some cotton. I sighed and looked around the room.

"There are pink dots everywhere." I whispered.

"Don't worry boys. It's a normal side effect to the medicine I gave her." The nurse said.

I had no idea what she was talking about so I just shrugged it off.

"Now let's go get you fixed up." She said.

She had me get in a wheel chair and we went and got my x-rays done first. After that I was wheeled to a room that had this huge machine that looked like one of those tanning bed things.

"What is that?" I asked.

"A cat scan." Some random doctor said.

I nodded. The nurse, Mrs. Brown, had me get up and get on the little platform. I laid down and was moved into the cat scan and the thing inside started spinning.

"How long will this take?" I asked, the medicine starting to wear off and the pain coming back.

"Five more minutes Miss Josephine." Mrs. Brown answered.

"Mrs. Brown have you heard anything about Gabriel?" I asked quietly.

I don't care about myself. All that matters is him.

"He's gonna be okay Mary. Dr. Brown is finishing up on the surgery right now actually. And then we can work on you."

I scrunched my brows together.

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