Chapter 15

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All right....I'm sorry this chapter is so short! I tried to make it didn't work that much. Anyway this chapter is pretty sad at the end....also the next couple chapters will also be sad...Im sorry! I dont like writing sad chapters. I hae to though to get to the happy ones. Plus it may seem like this story is coming to a close but it definitely isnt. Got a loooong way to go till then. Anyway here's chapter 15. Enjoy! And please vote, fan and comment! Thanks!

Chapter 15

Gabriel and I exited the woods and started walking through the field, the boys somewhere ahead of us. We were talking about nothing in particular when the boys came running towards us.

"What's going on?" I asked quietly, thinking something was wrong.

They all shrugged.

"Nothin'. Come on." Will said with a smile on his face.

We continued walking through the field and into the house. I started to clean the dishes and the boys went into the family room, playing with Jack and his Legos. I joined them when I was done and by the time we built a little castle it was Jack's bath and bed time. I picked him up.

"Come on Jack. Bath time and then bed."

He yawned. I gave him his bath and got him into his pajamas. When I was tucking him into his bed he asked me to read him a story. I did so and he was out by the fifth page. I kissed his forehead and walked out of his room. I walked to my room and put on some lounge pants and a tank top. When I walked back into the family room the boys were already playing a card game. I smiled and walked right past Gabriel making him look at me. I looked back at him and winked. I quickly walked into the kitchen. I turned and started getting some food out for tomorrow's lunch as Gabriel's chair scraped against the floor and he headed into the kitchen. I giggled and he entered the kitchen, wrapping his arms around me.

"Gabriel!" I yelled.

He laughed.

"I'm not lettin' you go this time." He whispered in my ear.

I squirmed in his arms.

"No way." He said.

I turned around in his arms.

"Gabriel...." I said sweetly.

He looked at me suspiciously.

"Yes Mares...?" He answered.

I stood on my tip toes and wrapped my arms slowly around his neck. He walked forward until my back hit the counter and I looked him straight in the eyes. He leaned forward and crashed his lips to mine. He traced his tongue against my bottom lip real slowly and I moaned. I opened my mouth and we started making out in the kitchen. Will yelled,

"Get a room!"

But we didn't even listen to him. He crouched down a little and grabbed my thighs. I jumped a little and wrapped my legs around his hips tightly. One of his hands traveled to the side of my neck while the other was holding onto my thigh. I tangled my hands in his hair. Suddenly there was a scream and Gabriel and I pulled away. We were both panting. We looked at each other.

"Jack." I breathed.

He let me go and my feet quietly hit the floor. I ran to Jack's room with the guys right behind me. Jack was sitting up in his bed, tears streaming down his face. When he saw me he held his arms out. I picked him up and wiped his tears away.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked in a soothing voice.

I walked out to the family room and he sniffed.

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