Chapter 23

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Oh gosh I have no idea what to say except I screwed up! I accidentally updated chapter 26 in my excitement and didnt realize it until now!! Wow Im so stupid!! I am so sorry. I just spoiled the whole thing :( *sigh* wow. Anyway....please enjoy this missing chapter 23....thanks.

Chapter 23

"Mares. Mary....Mary! Wake up!"

I jumped awake as a voice screamed in my ear. I looked at Will.

"What?" I mumbled, looking around my room.

It's been five days since I was brought home from the hospital and I still wasn't used to this room. Yup my week's almost up. My birthday is tomorrow and the wedding is the day after. We have already started setting up for it. All we need is Sky's dress and some other little stuff like, dresses for the bridesmaids and the main colors. I looked to my left and saw that Gabriel wasn't next to me like he was when I fell asleep. I looked at my clock and saw it was one in the morning.

"We have a surprise for ya. Early birthday present." He stated.

I rubbed my eyes.

"What is it?"

Suddenly Gabriel walked in the room with his shirt off. Okay now I'm awake. He smiled at me, walked forward and picked me up bridal style. I huffed.

"Can't I walk?" I asked.

"Nope." He stated.

I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest. He carried me to the backyard and towards the barn.

"Why are we going to the barn?"

He smiled at me and opened the barn door. When we got inside I gasped. Gabriel put me down and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"Spirit's havin' her first foal." He whispered in my ear.

I smiled excitedly.

"Wait." I said, my smile falling.

"Who's the father?" I asked.

He inhaled loudly.

"Well...." He trailed off.

I turned around and saw him rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Mystery is." He said.

I bursted out laughing and walked over to Mystery. He neighed loudly and flipped his mane.

"Hi boy!" I greeted happily.

He neighed again and I entered his stall. I haven't been able to come out here and visit him since before I went to the hospital. After I got better it was all, wedding, wedding, wedding and worrying about never seeing Gabriel again. He walked forward and nudged his nose against my shoulder. I smiled and hugged his neck.

"Yeah boy. I missed you too. And you're gonna be a father! I'm so proud a you!" I whispered, petting his head.

He whinnied quietly. I turned around and saw Sky and Phoebe leaning against the gate to his stall.

"Guys this was my first friend I made here. Mystery."

The guys blushed when the girls asked how I met my horse. I told them how I was able to calm him down while the trained ranch hands over there couldn't do squat. The girls giggled at them which caused them to blush even more. Just then Spirit neighed loudly.

"All right who's ready for a new born horse?" Will yelled.

"I am!" All of us yelled.

Phoebe and Sky helped me out of Mystery's stall and back to my place in front of Gabriel. Will walked up to Spirit and started doing who knows what to her. I didn't pay too much attention.

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