Chapter 8

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I am sorry I haven't updated this story or any of my stories in a long's just with school and band practice and everything else.....its crazy. But here's a chapter for this story. I'll try to update more....please enjoy. Thanks!

Chapter 8

After we tucked Jack in and read him a bedtime story, we walked back into the living room silently. Mom and Pa were gone and it was just Gabriel, Will, Gray and I.

"Well I'm gonna go get some shut eye. Night miss Mary." Gray said, nodding at us.

We did the same and he left. Will got up.

"Well it's nice to see you and your beautiful smile miss Mary." Will said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. He smiled.

"There ya go!"

I shook my head at him.

"All right. Night ya'll." He said and left, leaving me alone with Gabriel.

I sighed and got up, walking to the front porch. I could feel his stare boring holes into my back.... I sat in the rocking chair and looked at the sky.

It truly was beautiful. There were millions of stars....

I got up and started walking towards the back. I walked through the field and emerged at an empty area. There was a huge tree with a tire swing hanging from it. I sat down and felt the grass brush against my skin. For some reason the grass here felt so much softer then normal grass in L.A......

I heard a crunch and bolted up. I looked around quickly and saw movement to my left. A couple seconds later Gabriel emerged from the field. I let out a big breath and glared at him.

"Oh your here um...." He trailed off uncomfortably.

I sighed and patted the ground next to me. He looked at me curiously and I shrugged. I might as well tell him.... I can't not tell him....

He slowly walked towards me and slowly, carefully, sat down next to me.

"Now what?" He asked.

I shrugged and looked into the field.


"Gabriel how come you didn't answer my question about your family last week?" I asked quietly.

He tensed up and didn't answer me.

"Mary-" He tried again.

"I'll tell you why I'm like this. But if I do you can't tell anyone. No one. If he finds out....he'll kill you." I whispered.

Gabriel's head snapped up and I saw something enter his eyes. Not fear but....courage? Anger? I wasn't sure....

"So....if I tell you then you'll tell me?" He asked.

I nodded and looked away from his face. He breathed in deeply and grabbed my hand. I turned towards him and saw him smiling a small smile at me. He squeezed my hand.

"All right. I can go first." He said quietly.

I saw pain emerge onto his features and then disappear. Well from his expression.

Not from his eyes.

I squeezed his hand.

"You don't have to tell me." I whispered.

He shook his head and looked at me.

"You should know. It'll explain why I'm such a jerk all the time." He said, chuckling to himself.

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