Boner Incidents

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I walked into the living room and saw my mom sitting at the table on her laptop.

"Hi Mom!" I said happily.

"What are you so happy about?" She said looking up at me from her computer.

"What? Your son can't just be in a good mood."

"Spill Justin."

"Okay so you remember, Kai Spencer, right?" I asked.

"No, I mean it's the girl you've only been talking but since forever." She responded sarcastically.

"Okay, well... Mr.Brown assigned us to be math partners for like two months because his wife is having their baby. So we are working on all these math packets. Then, I ended up getting her number and her address yesterday. I went to her house twice already, and she invited me to her volleyball game. It was so dope mom, she did a facial. And then after game, I ended up kissing her. She dropped me off here and then she's going to pick me up tomorrow." I said all in one breath.

"Wait, what's a facial?"

"Seriously mom, thats what you focus on out of all that. A facial is when a player hits the ball and hits another player in the face."

"Well, It sounds like you've had an eventful last two days. I'm so happy for you, when can I meet her?"

"Um, I'm not sure." I said, "but I'm going to go to bed soon because I'm so tired."

I kissed my mom goodnight and walked up the stairs to go into Mia's room. She was fast asleep in her little princess bed. Her golden brown hair was all over her face, I moved all her hair to the side to give her a kiss on the cheek. I pulled her blanket up to her chin and turned off her little fairy lights as she calls them.

I went to my room and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I looked in the mirror and saw the bruise on my cheek starting to form from when Brian hit me. It's definitely going to be purple by tomorrow morning. I walked out of the bathroom and got into bed to go to sleep
I felt around for my phone as my alarm went off. After a couple seconds, I found it and turned it off. I grabbed my glasses before I walked into the bathroom and took five minute shower. I went to my closet and put on a sweatshirt and some black jeans. As I walked down the stairs, I heard a honk from outside.

Mia and my mom were no where to be found, so I'm guessing they left already. I slipped on my black vans and headed out the door. I opened the door to Kai's car.

"Maddie, get in the back seat." Kai said.

Madison rolled her eyes and said, "You're lucky I actually like you."

"And if you didn't like him your ass would still be sitting in the back seat."

I laughed at their little daily arguments that they have. I grabbed Kai's iPod out of her backpack and put on Here by Alessia Cara. We jammed out to that song and soon arrived to school since we only leave like five minuets away.

As we got to the parking lot, Madison ran out of the car to meet with her little group of friends. I opened up the car mirror to see how bad my bruise was, and it was really purple now. Kai grabbed my face with one hand a turned it to the side and said, "Lets see if, Kai the make up artist, can cover this up. If you want me to be real with you, I think it looks sexy and makes you look badass. But I'll still cover it up."

She grabbed a little black and white striped bag out of her back pack and placed it on the arm rest between the driver's and the passenger's seat. She climbed from her chair and sat on my lap with each leg on each side of me.

"Oh god please help me."

She was wearing a grey low V neck making it hard not to stare at her boobs when she was working on my face. I got turned on by the sight and felt my jeans start to tighten. I prayed my boner would go down before Kai could feel it, but of course it had a mind of its own.

Kai looked down and smiled to herself.

"Um- I." I stuttered.

"Justin, no need to explain yourself. It's completely normal, I'm not going to tease you about it. And to be honest with you, it's kind of a compliment that I caused it." Kai said .

I'm so glad Kai didn't make that situation too awkward because It probably would've been eating me away for the rest of the week.

The bell rang while Kai was still putting her make up bag away, so we were definitely going to be late for math class. It doesn't really matter though because we have a new substitute everyday since Mr. Brown left.

Kai got all her things together and she grabbed my hand as walked into first period together.
I was sitting in Chick-fil-A at a table with Kai , Willow, and Riley.

"Ok, so my parents are going on a business trip and I think that we should all hang out this weekend at my place." Kai said.

"Of course, it will be fun. You down smarty?" Willow asked me. She shortened Smarticles because she said it was too long.

"Yeah, sure." I replied

"Ok, so Riley and I will be there. I have to go drop him off for his lacrosse game, so we'll see you guys tomorrow morning." Willow said as she got up from the booth. Willow came over to give me hug goodbye and Riley gave me a piece sign.

Kai turned to me when they left and said, "So I have family game night tonight because my family will be out for a week or two. So to your house or do you have somewhere else to be?"

"No, my house is fine. You can drop me off there." I told her.

So, we left chick-fil-a and went to the car. Kai and I talked and joked around while we drove to my house. I gave her a quick peck on the cheek and walked inside. I sat on the couch in deep thought until Mia came and asked me to play barbies with her.

A/N: Ok sorry guys, I know this chapter was really short, But I will try to make the next chapter much longer. Next chapter will be all four : Justin, Kai, Willow, and Riley hanging out together. So get ready for that.

I just realized by the time you guys read this chapter the next chapter will be out already, because this is pre written and I'm posting chapters during finals week. So my goal is to post four chapters in two weeks, if I don't you guys can yell at me lmao. But seriously don't because I don't do people yelling at me or causing drama.

Anyways, so I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Vote, Comment, and Follow. It would make my day. Love you all.

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