Late Night Talks

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After Justin finished wrapping up my bruises and stitches, we put on our pajamas. Apparently Riley brought over our suitcases before Willow and him went back to California.

"Come lay me next to me." I patted the space next to me with my good arm.

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you." Justin said still sitting on the couch.

"I would feel much better if you came and laid next to me." I smiled at him. He got up from the couch and carefully laid down next to me. He wrapped his arm under my back and around my waisted. I felt sad because I couldn't cuddle back.

"So, what was going through your mind while you were gone?" He asked me looking into my eyes. He grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb against it as I talked.

"Well, It felt like I was in an abandon hospital to be honest with you. Everything white, the walls and the floors. That same glossy white. But the lights would flicker on and off. I was in this hallway, but it was never ending. I hated it in there, I was so lonely. What's funny is.. I only heard your voice the whole time I was in there."

"Really?" He said almost surprised, he continued to listen to me like a little kid does when they are getting a bed time story read.

"Yeah, I heard when you were talking to me about the SAT's-Which I'm so not ready to take. Your voice calmed me down, I probably would've gone insane if I didnt hear your voice. My hand would get warm whenever you held it. Well, I'm guessing that's what was happening." I paused for a second, "You know I would never lie to you, right? I'm not making this up, so just bare with me on this next part."

"Okay, baby I'm ready whenever you are." He responded.

I chewed on my lip, "I wasn't alone the whole time. I-I..Dylan was there with me." I said quietly closing my eyes, hoping he would believe me. I don't even know if I would believe myself.

"W-What?" He stuttered.

"Yeah, I was calling out for you and then feeling pathetic I started to cry. He came out of nowhere and told to stop crying and that I grew up to be "hot as fuck." I said making a quotation gesture with my fingers.

"Are you sure it was him?" He asked still not fully believing me.

"He was blonde with green eyes. He was still in a little teen body. When I told him he looked familiar, he responded with "I mean was only your boyfriends best friend since kindergarten." He also said he was"the sexiest Dylan of all time." I laughed at the end of sentence.

Justin began to laugh with me, "Yep, that sounds like Dylan. He would say that something like that. I miss him."

"Before I left, he told me tell you that's he's doing great and that he loves and misses you." I repeated Dylan's words and rubbed Justin's bicep as he took in my words. He looked up at the ceiling in the room, "I miss you too, bro."

We laid there for a few minutes in silence. Justin eventually broke the silence, "So you haven't eaten in a while, what do you want? I think Samantha is on her break now, I could probably get her to get us something."

"And who's this Samantha?" I asked with a arched brow and a tone in my voice.

"Yo, babe chill. She's just your nurse that changed your bandages and gave you your medicine." He said putting his arms up in defense.

"Well, I'm in the mood for Chick fil a." I told him. He got up and called I'm guessing Samantha on the hospital phone. I grabbed the remote to find something we could watch.

He climbed back in the bed with me, "She said she will bring it for a few minuets."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get all riled up like that." I apologized.

"It's fine." He said putting on a shirt, "This sexy body is only for you babe."

"Justin!" I exclaimed and slapped his chest.

"She helped me with my biggest breakdown while I was here, you know?" He said out of the blue.

"I'm sorry, you had to go through that." I said feeling guilty.

"You were about to go flatline, they said your body went into shock. I was screaming and crying in the hallway. I was so scared you were going to leave me." He looked at me with sad eyes.

"I know I heard you, but your words "She promised she wouldn't leave me." got me to fight through it. But I'm so happy that I'm healthy and alive."

"This would have never happened, if I-"

"Justin, stop beating yourself about it. What's done is done. We can't keep staying in the past, babe. If you keep feeling guilty, I'm going to tickle you." I threatened him with my hand close to his side.

"Not if I tickle you first." He grinned. I screeched trying to avoid his hands. I squirmed and laughed so hard that tears came out of my eyes.

"Justin, t-this is not even f-fair. I can't even fight b-back." I tried to say through my screeches.

"I only wanted to see that beautiful smile of yours." He said and pecked me on the lips.

A knock was heard on our door, Justin yelled to come in. A pale girl with jet black hair walked in with our food.

"Hi Kai, it's nice to meet you." She stuck out her hand. She seemed offaly nice, so I smiled back and shook her hand. "Here's your guys  food." She handed me the bag. "Justin, I'm setting her medicine on the table. Make sure she takes it before she goes to sleep. I hope you guys have a good night."

"Thank you Samantha." I gave her a small smile. She waved and then closed the door after her.

Justin and I watched Lilo and Stitch while we at our nuggets and fries. He got up to get my pills. "Come babe, take your pills."

"I hate taking pills." I pouted. He grabbed my pain killers and antidepressants. "I stopped taking those a while ago."

"Babe, I know and I get it that we make each other happy. But Riley asked the doctor about it, and she said it's not healthy to just stop taking them. Maybe we can slowly ease yourself off of them but until then. You are taking them."

"I don't have my pill crusher with me." I said crossing my arms.

"Babe, why are you so difficult." He chuckled. He grabbed to two metal spoons and crushed all my pills in between them. Grabbing a bottle of orange juice, he walked towards me with spoonful of white dust. "Open your mouth."

"It's going to taste nasty." I whined.

"Babygirl, just please open your mouth for me." He sighed. I did what I was told, he poured the powder in my mouth. I scrunched up my face and drank the juice to wash it down. "Good job little baby." He cooed and squeezed my cheeks.

"Stop!" I screeched and laughed. We laid down sort of cuddling with each other. I started to yawn uncontrollably.

"Your meds are kicking in." Justin said, he reached over and turned off the light. "Go to sleep, my angel."

"I love you Justin." I said while my eyes slowly closed.

"Love you too, Kai"

Author's Note:

Hey my little hoes!!

I'm slowly dying, it's 97 degrees outside and almost 90 in my house... I hate the heat bye

I need new fanfics to read, so if you guys are writing your own or have faves.. Drop them here... (I have a separate account for reading, if y'all want to follow it's okayum )

Leave inline comments because those are my fave. Vote and follow for more of why me? Love you all <3

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