Wisdom Teeth

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I woke up early to get ready to take Justin to the dentist. I threw on a pair of sweats, a white tank top, a grey zip-up hoodie, and some chestnut uggs.

I knocked on the door to his house and Mia opened the door.

"Hi princess." I said to her.

"Hi Kai." She said giving me a hug.

"Where's Justin?" I asked her.

"He's still sleeping." She said.

I walked up the stairs and opened the door to his room. He was laying on his stomach with his head tilt to the side. His mouth was open and I could hear his cute little snores. He's the cutest when he's asleep. I walked up to him and shook his back.

"Justin wake up." I whispered.

He is a very deep sleeper. I started kissing his jawline. His eyes slowly opened, "Good morning handsome. You ready for the dentist?" I asked him.

"I don't want to go. Please don't make me go." He pleaded.

"Come on J, we already went through this." I sighed.

He got up and put on a sweatshirt and a pair of basketball shorts. He grabbed his pillow to take with him.

We pulled up to the dentist office. Justin was squeezing his pillow really tight, he hates the dentist.

"It's going to be fine. You won't feel a thing. They will put you to sleep. And then you'll be all loopy and I'll have to take care of you. And we can do whatever you want when we get home." I told him.

I was sitting in the waiting room, waiting for Justin to finish. And of course me being the dumbass I am, I forgot to bring my headphones so that I could listen to music. So I read the same four magazines for the past hour.

Eventually time went by and a very high looking Justin came walking out.

"He's on anesthesia, so he'll probably be sorta off today. He will be very emotional. You need to change his gauze every hour. He can't eat any food, so get give him ice cream or some type of cold drink. Okay?" The dentist told me.

"Okay, thanks" I told him.

I held Justin's hand and walked him to the car. He got in the seat and I put his seatbelt on for him. I got in on my side and started driving to my house.

"Say hi, Justin." I smiled recording and putting him Justin.

"Heyyy." He slurred, grinning at the camera.

"Wait, Who are you?" He asked confused.

"I'm Kai, your girlfriend" I told him.

"I have a girlfriend?" He asked surprised.

"Yep." I giggled. 

"You're very beautiful." He told me.

"Why thank you." I said. He tried to put his fingers in his mouth, "Justin don't do that." I moved his hands away.

"But what are those things in my mouth?Why is my mouth bleeding? He asked.

"You got your wisdom teeth pulled out. And those are gauzes so it soaks up the blood." I told him.

"I-I can't feel my tongue, they took my tongue." He whined. He pulled down the mirror and looked at himself. He started laughing hysterically, "I  look like a chipmunk." He said laughing,"Your hair is pretty. It's so long. I love it."

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